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Leading the Way

24th March 2017

Yesterday twelve Melbourn Village College Sports Leaders attended the Level 3 School Games and were active helpers ...

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SLT Weekly Update 240317

24th March 2017

Humanities have had a very busy Friday, welcoming forty Year 5 students from Melbourn Primary for a Humanities ...

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Best in the Country

22nd March 2017

Two students from Melbourn Village College have finished top of the class in a national business challenge. Cha ...

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Middlemass Prize

22nd March 2017

Science Week at Melbourn got even more exciting today with students rushing in to see Miss Rich at break to reserv ...

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Science Week

21st March 2017

Melbourn’s Science Week for students has got off to a fiery start! The annual week gives staff and studen ...

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Year 4 Science Taster Day

20th March 2017

Melbourn Village College hosted Year 4 pupils from six of its partner schools for an exciting day of science. Youn ...

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