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GCSE Results joy

24th August 2017

Students at Melbourn are celebrating today after posting an impressive set of GCSE results. Under the governmen ...

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SLT Update July 21

21st July 2017

  Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – 21 st July 2017 It has been a very busy week at the ...

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Raft building on Cwellyn LakeRaft building on Cwellyn Lake

Day 3 at Snowdon and the rain has arrived

19th July 2017

Today has been a day of battling the rain especially in the afternoon. Students were climbing, raft bulding and ka ...

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Termly Newsletter

18th July 2017

You can read this terms newsletter at   ...

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Leap of faith!Leap of faith!

Day 2 at Snowdon and the sun still shines

18th July 2017

On our second day everyone has gone gorge walking and either been in kayaks or rock climbing. The weather is still ...

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Lake CwellynLake Cwellyn

Year 9 Students arrive at Snowdon Base Camp

17th July 2017

After a long journey the year 9 students have pitched their tents and have relaxed by the lake ready for their mai ...

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