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GCSE Delight

22nd August 2019

Melbourn Village College continued their excellent results, with more top grades being awarded to their students. ...

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Latest Edition of MVC News

16th July 2019

The latest edition is published today and students should be bringing home copies or you can read it online by cli ...

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Artists at the Fitzwilliam

16th July 2019

Year 10 visited the Fitzwilliam museum in Cambridge. They viewed a variety of art exhibitions and spent time sketc ...

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In the Footsteps of Jack the Ripper

15th July 2019

On Friday the History Department led 33 students on a trip to Whitechapel, site of the infamous Jack the Ripper mu ...

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Incredible China Trip

13th July 2019

On 2 nd July, the first MVC cohort of Year 8 Mandarin Excellence Programme students travelled to Xi-An, China, to ...

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SLT Update July 12th

13th July 2019

Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up July 12th 2019 • Earlier this term our Cabin students made a film – & ...

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