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Live cooking lessons!

18th January 2021

Do you love cooking and baking and want to try new recipes? Mrs Giles, our Head of Art and Technology, suggests t ...

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MVC News Winter 2020

17th December 2020

The latest edition of our termly magazine is now available to read here ...

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MVC Christmas Concert 2020

14th December 2020

Follow the link below to watch our online Christmas Concert on 17th December at 19:00 ...

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QR Code for MVC Just Giving PageQR Code for MVC Just Giving Page

Get ready for MVC Christmas Jumper Day this Friday!

7th December 2020

On Friday, 11 th December, MVC will be joining in with the nationwide ‘Save the Children Christmas Jumper D ...

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New Astro for MVC

18th September 2020

A new full-size artificial football pitch is due to open at Melbourn Village College next year. The £800, ...

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MVC News Lockdown Special Edition

20th July 2020

A special lockdown edition of the termly magazine is now available. ...

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