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Key Notes: 4 March 2022

4th March 2022

Living with Covid At the beginning of the week, I sent an email to parents/carers about our ongoing approach to ...

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Key Notes: 25 February 2022

25th February 2022

  Living with Covid Following publication of updated DfE guidance to schools and information from the L ...

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Key Notes: 11 February 2022

11th February 2022

Half-term break At the risk of repeating myself, this has been a very challenging half term. Hopefully, the wor ...

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Key Notes: 4 February 2022

4th February 2022

High Numbers of Covid Cases It has been a very challenging week Covid-wise. The first part of the week saw our ...

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Key Notes: 28 January 2022

28th January 2022

Ready to Learn At Melbourn Village College we often refer pupils to the 3 'Keys to Success': Be Ready, Be Respo ...

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Key Notes: 21 January 2022

21st January 2022

Covid-19 Changing Guidelines As you’ll be aware. the Government removed the temporary requirement for mas ...

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