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Year 4 Science Taster Day

20th March 2017

Melbourn Village College hosted Year 4 pupils from six of its partner schools for an exciting day of science.
Youngsters from the primary schools at Melbourn, Meldreth, Hauxton, Fowlmere, Barrington and Thriplow enjoyed working in real laboratories and undertaking real experiments.

The Year 4 visitors took part in a series of fun experiments, each one ably led by Year 10 students, of whom MVC is justifiably proud.
The primary children made optical illusion spinners, took part in an unusual hearing test, investigated indicators, had fun with static and tested out what causes different flame colours among, many other interesting activities.
The eight and nine-year-olds were extremely enthusiastic and willing scientists, and feedback from all involved was excellent.

Cat Rich, Acting Head of Science said: “It was brilliant to see so many young people enthusiastic about science! We hope we have inspired students to continue investigating and enjoying science.”
It was a very busy event, the enthusiasm of all those involved was infectious and we are already looking forward to next year. Our thanks, of course, go especially to Mrs Mayhead for making it such a memorable day.

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