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Thinking ahead

4th November 2016

Students at Melbourn Village College had a taster of possible future career paths at two exciting events.

More than 40 Year 11s spent the day at Cambridge Regional College, where they had the chance to experience a range of vocational courses available to them when they leave Melbourn next summer.

These included Uniformed Services, Health and Social Care, Motor Mechanics, Computing and Media Make Up and the 42 students spent the day in their chosen department working alongside CRC students and staff.

Deputy Principal Regina Lawrence said: “MVC staff really enjoyed seeing the students rising to the challenge of working in a post-16 environment and managed to take a few photos of them in action.

“At the end of the day, the CRC staff made a point of saying how delightful our students were and how engaged they were with their learning.”

On the same day, eight Year 10 triple scientists went to the Babraham Institute to learn about the research work that takes place there. 

Seminars were given by a number of scientists involved in medical research and development and students were able to question and debate topics such as the use of animals in medical research. 

One student, Starlily McCormick, said: “I had set opinions on animal research before going, but having a chance to listen and discuss these made me challenge my own opinions.”

The institute, which focuses on lifelong health, is dedicated to researching the mechanisms underlying developmental and ageing processes.

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