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Students snap up new opportunities

12th September 2016

More than 75% of students at Melbourn Village College are staying late at school – by choice.

They are taking advantage of the college’s brand new enrichment programme which started this week and runs each day for an hour after lessons have finished.

Students in all years have been offered an incredible choice of more than 50 activities. These include Minecraft and other computer-based activities, sport, the school production, a film club, dressmaking and the chance to take an additional GCSE. Some activities are targeted at specific year groups while others are open to students of any age.

Assistant Principal John Barnes, who oversees the enrichment programme, said: “Eventually we want 100% of students involved but it’s a very promising start. We are delighted with the way students have responded to the wide and varied range of opportunities offered by staff. 

“Activities like Robotics, Construction and the school production are extremely popular, but we also have more than 30 attending running club with a further 13 signed up for ‘Couch to 5k.’ 

“This programme is not just about extending subject knowledge. We want to offer our students the widest possible range of activities they might not otherwise be able to access.” 

All activities run by school staff are free, with a small charge for some materials or if an external provider has been brought in. The school also offers a minibus service home for those who want it. 

The new initiative has been launched following a revamp of the school day with regular lessons now finishing at 3.00pm and means an end to students rushing their lunches to get to PE and Music clubs, which then had to finish 15 minutes later. Instead, they can have a full hour of high-quality activities.

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