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Students engage with current affairs

24th January 2019

Over the last term Year 7 students have been discussing the hot topics of the day including the debate over the US/Mexico border, freedom of the Press, the environment, voting rights for 16-year-olds, crime and policing and, of course, Britain’s relationship with the European Union.

As part of our programme we were very pleased to welcome Councillor Susan Van de Ven, who is also a Melbourn governor, to visit.

She sat in on a lesson, discussed the ideas students had about education, the local priorities for the area and what students thought about current affairs, Parliament and the media.

Mrs Van de Ven said: “It was easily the highlight of my week - what an inspiration to be around such vibrant students, who seem absolutely ready to vote!”

Marta Gunner, Head of Citizenship, commented: “Our current Year 7 students are very interesting to listen to as they want to discuss the big issues and provide a fascinating insight into how they view the world of politics.”

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