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Spanish students visit

25th February 2019

Melbourn students were joined by a group from Santander as they returned to school after half-term today.
The 20-strong group of 14 and 15-year-olds from Kostka School brought the Mediterranean weather with them as they started a four-day visit to Cambridge by joining Years 8, 9 and 10 as teachers during a morning of Spanish lessons.

The Year 8 class, many of whom are taking part in Melbourn’s Spanish trip to Comillas in May, were shy to start with but soon warmed up and enjoyed using their Spanish to ask and answer questions about food, which they have been working on during the past half-term. They also had the chance to meet José, the Spanish facilitator of both visits.
The students also took part in a ‘Find someone who . . .’ exercise in English to help the Spanish students break the ice.
Year 10 students talked with their Spanish counterparts about social media and mobile phones – good practice for their GCSE speaking exams – while making friends and becoming more comfortable interacting in Spanish, which will really help the 18 who have signed up to do their work experience in Spain in July.

A group activity with a year 10 GCSE Spanish students was taking place this afternoon with participants able to take advantage of the weather to use the sports field to find virtual objects in a cross between Minecraft, geo-cache and escape rooms.

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