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Seeing Science Live!

5th February 2018

Thirty Year 10 and 11 students and three teachers visited GCSE Science Live at the Victoria Apollo Theatre in London.

The first speaker was Professor Jim Al-Khalili who spoke about time travel and if it was possible. Students then saw Professor Robert Winston who spoke about fertility, Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock MBE, whose message was Reach for the Stars, Professor Steve Jones, who spoke about genetics, and Professor Andrea Sella, who inspired the students with inorganic chemistry and the magic of water.

In between each speaker a chief examiner spoke to the students about top tips to pass their GCSEs.

Charlie Arbon, one of the students, commented how inspiring the speakers were and added: “Maggie Aderin-Pocock was my favourite and she spoke about space which I am interested in.”

Mrs Mayhead, who organised the trip, said: “The students that we took on the trip were exceptional. They were focussed on the speakers and engaged the whole way through, even being able to ask a question of Jim Al-Kahlili about time travel and black holes. They were so well behaved and a pleasure to be with. It was a fantastic day.”

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