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SLT Weekly Update March 31

20th April 2017

Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – 31st March 2017

  • You’ll remember that Charlotte Van Bochoven and Isabel Taylor were in the Cambridge News and on the national Tenner Challenge website due to them winning the ‘Best Pitch’ category for Week 2. We now have confirmation that their business ‘Blue Bin Cards’ has made £161.50 profit. Not a bad return for £10! This is a wonderful achievement and the girls are giving a third of their profit to the WWF Charity.
  • As part of Science Week, we ran a poster competition for KS3 entitled ‘A Science invention that has not been invented yet’.  Pupils were VERY creative and the ultimate winners were: 1st Molly Beasley 8M1, 2nd Ellenor Riggs 71B, 3rd Ellie Allison 9M4. Well done to you and to all the students who entered.
  • Melbourn Village College competed in the termly “CAM Trust STEM Competition” on Wednesday.  Students were tasked with making balloon rockets adapted to travel on a piece of string.  Well done to Evie Lester, Charlotte Van Bochoven and Stephanie Davidson, who were placed 2nd in the event with their creation!
  • There were lots of sporting opportunities this week:
  • On Monday, the Year 8 area netball tournament took place at Netherhall School. The A team came 6th out of 15; the B team came 12th out of 14.
  • On Tuesday, the Year 7 & 8 interform tournaments took place. Year 7 boys was won by Newton and Year 7 girls by Franklin. Year 8 boys was won by Franklin and Year 8 girls by Franklin.
  • On Wednesday, the year 9 interform competition took place. Newton won the Year 9 boys and Lewis the Year 9 girls.
  • Netball matches yesterday evening were against Parkside Academy, with Years 7 & 9 losing their match but Year 8 winning.
  • Many thanks to our sports leaders, who represented the College admirably at the SEND secondary school multi-adapted sports day at Impington Village College yesterday.
  • On Tuesday Mr Holmes attended a conference jointly hosted by The Cam Academy Trust and the Cambridge Meridian Academies Trust, sharing the lessons these Trusts have learnt from their five years of schools working together and looking at how schools can best work together to serve local communities. Speakers included a range of local business representatives, Headteachers and Lord Nash (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Schools).
  • Mr Holmes’ assemblies this week have focused on mental health, in particular how we remove the stigma and learn how to treat it in a similar way to physical health. There is currently some really good material on the BBC website at: and also a good video at:
    Do have a look.
  • It has been so wonderful to hear that our students have been Instagramming (is that a word?) the Spanish friends they got to know at Duxford last week. Also, some of the students who met last year have kept in contact since then and met up in Cambridge last week. Great news.

  • Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to Amanda Davis, who leaves us today. Mrs Davis has supported all our students over the past fourteen years through their GCSE exams, work experience, post-16 applications and much more. Amanda leaves us to pursue other career opportunities and we wish her all the best.

Have a wonderful Easter break.

Regina Lawrence
Deputy Principal

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