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SLT Weekly Update 3rd March

3rd March 2017

  • On Tuesday, four local primary teams came to Melbourn Village College to play the second part of the B Team High 5 tournament. Despite a sleet shower half way through, the children and Sports Leaders managed to complete the tournament, as the weather eventually improved. The winners of this round were Meldreth, followed by Harston B, Melbourn B and Harston C. The teams go on to play in the finals at Comberton after Easter. Next week it’s the turn of the A teams to compete.
  • On Thursday 2nd March, Melbourn Village College played St. Bede’s at netball and football.

The results were:

Yr7A football Won 6-4

Yr7 B football Lost 2-6

Yr 8 netball Lost 9-24

Yr8 A football Lost 0-9

Yr 8 B football Lost 0-7

U16 netball Won 18-12

Thanks very much to the Sports Leaders who helped out by refereeing the junior teams.

  • Year 11 students are increasingly busy, completing all their assessed work for their GCSEs. Today, our GCSE PE students have undertaken their assessed practical work and next week sees the next French controlled writing assessment on Tuesday and the English speaking and listening all week. Good luck to all.
  • Our Year 9 Parents’ Evening was very well attended and the Senior Leadership Team look forward to their individual interviews with Year 9 students next week. Please remember that parents / carers are invited – see the students or their form tutors for details.
  • Our Year 11 students are getting excited about their World Challenge trip to Tanzania and met this week to discuss their programme and plans. Please see the message on Schoolpost for further details on the kit listfor the Expedition Training weekend in Brecon on 17th-19th March, visas and arrangements for the flight back home.
  • Our year 9 students returned from their Spanish exchange on Thursday, having had a wonderful time – see the photos, which have been appearing through the week.
  • Finally, just a reminder that GCSE grades are changing:
    GCSEs in England are being reformed and will be graded with a new scale from 9 to 1, with 9 being the highest grade. English literature, English language and Maths will be the first subjects to be graded in this way from August 2017. The subjects with the highest numbers of candidates (e.g. Arts, Humanities, Languages) will follow in 2018 and most others in 2019. During this transition, students will receive a mixture of letter and number grades. This is happening as GCSEs are being reformed to make them more challenging, to keep pace with employers’ and universities’ demands. In the first year each new GCSE subject is introduced, students who would have got a grade C or better will get a grade 4 or better. Grade 9 will be more difficult to achieve than a grade A*. To see how the numbered grades compare to the current A* to G system, click here or Google "Ofqual 9 to 1 postcard".

Have a lovely weekend.

Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal



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