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SLT Weekly Update 17th March 2017

17th March 2017

Senior Leadership Weekly Update 17th March 2017

  • Today we welcomed about two hundred Year 4 students from our feeder primary schools into our science department, experiencing some of what science at Melbourn has to offer. They were ably helped by Year 10 students to look at bending light, burning metals, static electricity, getting iron from rust using a match, testing their hearing and fire extinguishers. Everyone had a great time and learned a great deal and the students were extremely well behaved and engaged.
  • BBC School Report - Our budding journalists spent Thursday 16th March interviewing and reporting on various news and topics around the school. Our year 10 students reported on a range of topics including: teenage pregnancies; the stress and pressure of exams; and on Betsy DeVos, the new education secretary in America, appointed by the somewhat controversial Donald Trump. The CRAM room was a hub of activity throughout the day, with students taking on various reporting roles including cameraman, news editor, and of course, news reporter. Students collected some interesting shots of school pupils and teachers going about their day, with some professional interviews taking place with both students and staff at the college. The end of the day saw our reporters furiously editing their footage together to create their finished report. Please visit the school website to have a look at the final version! Well done to all of the students involved:
  • Two students from Melbourn Village College have finished top of the class in a national business challenge. Charlotte Van Bochoven and Isabel Taylor came up with the ‘Best Sales Pitch’ in the country as part of the Young Enterprise Tenner Challenge. The Tenner Challenge provides a highly interactive way for students to develop key skills including creativity, resilience, and problem solving, using real money to take calculated risks in business.
  • Congratulations to Jenny Elliott in Year 9 and Dan Arthur in Year 10 who both qualified for the next stage of the Intermediate UK Maths Challenge and sat the Grey and Pink Kangaroo level papers this week.
  • On Tuesday 14th, the Year 10 netball team went to the annual tournament at Soham Village College. They played eight games and won three, lost five. The final result saw the Melbourn Village College team coming tenth out of fifteen schools.
  • On Wednesday 15th, MVC played Impington Village College. The netball teams won two, lost one. The football teams narrowly lost: 1-2 and 1-3.
  • The Year 8 A and B football teams had their annual tournament on Thursday 16tth March. They came eighth and seventh respectively in their pools.

 Have a great weekend.

Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal

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