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SLT Weekly Update 141016

14th October 2016

Provisional national school results were published yesterday and we are delighted to have a Progress 8 score of 0.45 – this means Melbourn Village College students achieved, on average, almost half a grade higher in each GCSE than similar students of the same ability nationally. It is this focus on the progress of each student which is at the heart of the MVC philosophy, ‘Everybody is Somebody’. Further details can be found here and here.

In other news:

  • Key Stage 3 girls’ football enrichment has had a great start. Numbers are growing weekly and their enthusiasm is infectious. Whether they are experienced players or have never previously kicked a ball they are showing great teamwork and are improving every week.
  • Year 7 have been getting creative in Biology making 3D cell models.  We have had sponge cells, cake cells, jelly cells…cells made from every material imaginable. Miss Rich has described it as the most impressive year yet!
  • The Year 7 Rugby team played extremely well against Cambourne coming back from 15 points down to draw the game 30-30. Player of the Match was Kurt Pendlebury.
  • Young carers group this week focused on team building activities – which team could build the highest spaghetti and marshmallow tower – a few marshmallow where lost on the way! Followed by team balloon races – much fun and hilarity was had by all.
  • Revision has started in earnest for Year 11 Historians. Students are preparing for their American West mock exam in November using a variety of past papers, instructional guides and student created PowerPoints. Good luck to all GCSE students for their mocks which start on 7th November.
  • Year 7 students took part in a special computing enrichment trip this week. Code & Chips, organised by ARM and hosted in Cambridge, saw our students explore modern computing technologies and take part in an interactive Minecraft workshop. The trip was a great example of how exciting Computing can be and how Cambridge is at the forefront in developing these new technologies. Students spent the day exploring the various activities on offer, including a robot fight club, virtual reality headsets and viewing some of the exciting projects that can be done with a Raspberry Pi and BBC micro:bit.
  • Assemblies this week tied in with World National Mental Health day on Monday and considered how students might recognise mental health problems and how they might support each other. This work was built on during registration time. A greater awareness and the removal of stigma are important steps in supporting the health of our students.
  • Many of you will know that Melbourn Village College is an invited member of the Leading Edge group of high performing schools. Last Friday I attended their Annual National Conference to discuss how we improve our schools and help to develop our current staff in order to further improve the practice in our schools. Some of the ideas and thoughts from that conference will feed directly into our school improvement planning over the next year.

Simon Holmes - Principal

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