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SLT Weekly Update 130117

13th January 2017


  • Our new Spring Enrichment Programme started this week but it may not be too late for some activities, so please ask the member of staff if there is still space and you want to join.
  • Yesterday, we were delighted to welcome students in Year 5 from Harston and Newton Primary School, one of our feeder primaries, to a taster morning for Mandarin. They tried hard throughout and were even able to write the Chinese characters from memory. At the end, they also enjoyed telling Mr Fan how easy Chinese is.
  • Also yesterday, twenty-five Year 9 and 10 students visited the Tate in London to see the Rauschenberg Exhibition.  Some great sketching was completed by the students and their eyes were opened by some of the modern art. The students’ behaviour was exemplary and the staff said it was a pleasure to spend the day exploring the wonders of art with them.
  • This week, we were delighted to welcome representatives from the National Citizenship Service, who gave our Year 11 students a presentation on the great opportunities available to them through the NCS. Our students who have undertaken activities through the NCS in the past have found it a really enjoyable experience, so we do hope that our Year 11s will take advantage of this.
  • Recent results from our KS3 girls swimming inter form competition:

             Year 7: 1ST FRANKLIN, 2ND NEWTON, 3RD LEWIS, 4TH DARWIN

             Year 8: 1ST FRANKLIN, 2ND DARWIN, 3RD NEWTON, 4TH LEWIS

             Year 9: 1ST LEWIS, 2ND NEWTON, 3RD FRANKLIN, 4TH DARWIN

  • Huge congratulations to Rosie Elliott in year 7 and Isabel Taylor in year 8, who both took ABRSM exams last term in flute (Grades 4 & 2) and both got distinction. A fantastic achievement.
  • Please remember that Year 11 Parents’ Evening is from 4pm to 7pm on Tuesday, 17th January.


Have a good weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal

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