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SLT Weekly Roundup 3rd February

3rd February 2017

  • Firstly, I would like to thank our students for their maturity this week. They have coped very well with several teacher illnesses and been welcoming and cooperative with our supply teachers. To all those students and staff who have been ill, we wish you a speedy recovery.
  • Our Wizard of Oz performances will be at 7.00pm on Wednesday 8th, Thursday 9th and Friday 10th February. Please buy your tickets soon from reception - our productions usually sell out quickly.
  • As part of our membership of the Leading Edge group of schools, on Tuesday we welcomed Sue Hargadon, recently retired Head Teacher of an outstanding school in Suffolk. Sue was visiting Melbourn in her consultancy role and was extremely complimentary about her visit (please see email below). ‘I really enjoyed my morning. Your school has the most lovely feel to it and I was very impressed by what I saw. It is very welcoming in its ethos and your philosophy of "everybody is somebody" really shone though’.
  • There is new information on our MVC website regarding online safety, sexting and the law. Please go through this with your child. It is located with the other information on e-safety at the bottom of ‘Parent, Carer and Student Information’.
  • As part of our four year centenary commemoration of the First World War that started with a Humanities Languages week-long trip to France and Belgium through our ACT project three years ago, Year 9 Historians have been studying the largest sea battle in history, the Battle of Jutland, and making a judgement about its importance within the wider conflict.
  • On Thursday, 100 students sat the UK Mathematics Challenge. This is a very difficult Maths paper, which really stretches each student. However, we have an excellent track record of outstanding achievement and expect to be just as successful this year. An example of a question would be : “How many 4 digit integers (from 1000 to 9999) have at least one digit repeated?” Good luck! – Solution below.
  • Tuesday was our Year 3/4 Primary Football Tournament. Eight teams were entered and we saw some excellent play. Well done to Meldreth, who were the winners; they will be invited to our Primary Celebration Evening in June.
  • This week, Year 11 GCSE Catering students started their practical exams. Students were given the choice of preparing either a starter and a main course or a main and a dessert. Students worked hard all morning, creating a variety of dishes, including minestrone soup with freshly baked bread and chicken wrapped in bacon with stuffed peppers, as well as some amazing desserts of Panna Cotta with Italian lemon biscuits and strawberry coulis. More students will be completing their practical exams on 9th and 22nd February. For more photographs please go to the Melbourn Village College page on Facebook.
  • Mrs Davis is still waiting for returns from some Year 11 parents to confirm that all is well with GCSE entries before these are submitted. If you have not already done so, please return the reply slip from the letter sent out with the timetable or email Mrs Davis at to confirm that all is correct or to raise any queries.

Have a lovely weekend.

Regina Lawrence
Deputy Principal

Solution: To find the number of 4 different digits:

first you can have 9 different thousands digits (You can’t have zero)

then choose 9 different digits from the hundreds (zero is a possibility)

then you are left with 8 different digits for the 10s and then 7 digits are not used from the units.

So, 9 x 9 x 8 x 7 numbers where all the digits are different, which comes to 4536.

There are 9000 numbers in the range 1000 to 9999. So the number of ones with at least 1 repeated is 9000 – 4536 = 4464. 

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