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SLT Weekly Roundup 24th February

24th February 2017

  • During half term, we had a very successful Celebrating Ages event, in which local senior members of our community enjoyed lunch at the College served by year 10 Health and Social Care students and were serenaded by James Dale and Charlie Arbon. It was fantastic to see our students giving up their holiday time to build links with the community.
  • On Thursday, some of our year 9 Spanish students set off on their joint Spanish Exchange visit with Cambourne Village College. They are settling in well and this morning have even been learning science in Spanish at the local school.
  • Thanks so much to all staff who very kindly ran half term revision sessions for our year 11 students.
  • It was the third and final session of the catering practical examinations on Wednesday. GCSE students produced some wonderful dishes: savoury pancakes, lasagne, stuffed peppers, chicken chasseur and panna cotta with a berry coulis and lemon biscuits.
  • Today, we welcomed Dr William Rankin, the founder of Unfold Learning and former Director of Learning on the Global Education Team at Apple. He was with us presenting to Head Teachers across the Leading Edge network for a Leading Edge / SSAT / MVC event, and this was a fantastic chance to hear Dr Rankin talk on student motivation and digital technology.
  • Good luck to all of the Year 11 students who will be busy planning, preparing and practising their individual presentations for the speaking & listening assessments, which will commence the week beginning Monday 6th March.
  • Tuesday, 28th February is our year 9 Parents’ Evening. We look forward to seeing all our year 9 parents there.

Have a lovely weekend.

Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal


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