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SLT Update May 5

5th May 2017

  • Last Friday, we hosted the annual Swimming Gala at McSplash for our feeder primary schools.
  • There were nearly 30 races in all, with Mrs Coghlan and our Sports Leaders leading the event.
  • The eventual winners were Melbourn Primary, who have retained the trophy until next year. Well done to all participants.
  • On Tuesday, our Sports Leaders attended their end of year Conference at Comberton VC. Starlily McCormick was awarded the prize for attending most courses and events run by the school or the SSP over the year.
  • Unfortunately, the athletics teams were unable to attend this weeks’ meet due to a minibus failure, but they should be ready to go to the one next Wednesday at Sawston. Training for these matches and general improvement in athletics can be helped by attending Athletics enrichment on a Monday. All welcome!
  • Today, a small group of year 11s have visited CRC for their transition day, spending time in the departments in which they hope to gain places for year 12. We hope you have a great time.
  • STEM club this week featured a visit from Mr Rice, who kindly brought in his bees in their portable hive. After some bee quizzes (where the students showed a very high level of knowledge!) they identified the different types of the real specimens in the hive and were then treated to a taste of some honey harvested the day before...Yum.
  • We are delighted to be able to provide an opportunity for some of our more able scientists to visit Oxford University with Mrs Mayhead. More information on this soon.
  • It’s also a good time to get fit for the summer, while supporting, the local charity Tom’s Trust. There is a  Fun Run on 11th June in aid of Tom’s Trust which was set up in 2011 by Debs and Andrew Whiteley, after losing their 9-year-old son, Tom to a brain tumour after a short 7-month battle. The charity is dedicated to providing Clinical Psychologists for children with brain tumours.
  • For Activities Week, Mrs Mayhead needs a selection of clean pillow cases to make into dresses for a charity called Dresses for Africa. If you have any to spare, please do leave them in reception. Surely it’s the perfect time for a clear out?


Have a good weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal

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