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SLT Update May 4th 2018

4th May 2018


  • Congratulations to Harriet Henry, Ruby Want and the other Cambridge City U12 girls, who won the Minehead ESF national tournament and the Fair Play Team Award last weekend, gaining the chance to meet Kevin Keegan and Casey Stoney too.  Next weekend is another national tournament in Bognor Regis and the final is on the 8th July, so good luck girls.
  • On Tuesday, the GCSE PE students took part in their PE moderation Day, which was a busy and intense day. Well done to everyone who took part. You were a real credit to yourselves and MVC!
  • Also on Tuesday, 12 Year 9 Students attended their first sports leaders’ conference at Comberton Village College. They were trained in kwik cricket and mini tennis to help run the festivals later in the year, including a number of primary festivals. Anyone else who is interested in helping at these should speak to Mrs Humphrey or Mrs Coghlan.
  • Unfortunately, the poor weather on Wednesday meant the first inter-school athletics competition was cancelled. Same teams same place next week!
  • Today, the Humanities Department welcomed Year 5 students from Melbourn and Fowlmere to investigate hungry aliens, the Aztecs and the secrets of the River Mel – a snapshot of Humanities at MVC! Great fun was had by all, added to by the excellent weather for the outdoor work. It is always a pleasure to invite our primary partners to come and experience topics at Melbourn and we look forward to offering this opportunity to other members of our partnership later on this year.
  • Please be aware that the letters for our February 2019 ski trip are out today. This is a fantastic opportunity, which our students really enjoy, so do consider letting your son / daughter participate.
  • Good luck to Harrison Dowling, Abigail Rickels and Charlie Hopwood-Clarke, who have entered the National Young Writers’ competition this year. The task was to write a story about a real-life hero and these students showed an excellent and ambitious attitude by taking part in this extra-curricular activity. Well done!
  • Our Chinese visitors have made an excellent start to their time here, displaying impressively high levels of English and engaging well in lessons.


Have a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend.

Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal



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