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SLT Update May 19

Breakfast in SpainBreakfast in Spain

19th May 2017


Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – 19th May 2017

  • On Tuesday we invited in over one hundred Year 5 pupils from our partner primary schools. They experienced a variety of lessons that included Mandarin, Maths, Science, PE, Drama, English and Dance. The students were impeccably behaved and had a great day. We look forward to seeing them again next year and then when they join us in September 2018.
  • Also on Tuesday a member of staff from Newnham College visited the school and spoke to ten Year 9 and 10 students. They were given some exercises to complete based on making choices. They were then given more information and this showed how their choices altered – this was then linked to the research they would do to plan future choices, A levels and University courses. This was a great opportunity and Newnham College is keen to develop links with Melbourn Village College.
  • On Wednesday afternoon I travelled to Holland Park School in London to the annual SSAT awards ceremony. I was delighted on behalf of the school to accept our award for being in the top 10% of schools for student progress. Whilst Summer 2016 seems a long time ago, it is fantastic that the staff and students at MVC receive recognition for the excellent things that happen here every day.
  • On Thursday afternoon, thirty students travelled to Comillas in Spain for the third year running.  Once there they will experience Spanish culture and history as well as developing language skills and making new friends.
  • On Thursday evening I attended Meldreth Parish Council AGM. It was lovely to read and hear about all the great things going on in the village, to remind them of how lucky they are to have excellent local schools and to publicly thank them for the support given to the college.
  • Today I spent the morning meeting with primary heads from our local cluster, looking at ways we can improve the education for all the students that we work with.
  • As the enrichment program continues, pottery has become a favourite with students’ creativity shining through their work.
  • Congratulations to Dominic Clemons Year 10 who continues to do well with his golf.  He has recently played in the England Regionals in Shropshire as well as the U18s in Blackpool.  Dominic has now been selected to represent England in the U16s later on this month.  We will let you know how he does.
  • GCSE Artwork has gone on display in the lecture room in readiness for the moderator next week.  The standard of work is extremely high and next month the work will be on display at The Plough in Shepreth from 16th June to 23rd July.
  • Finally, parents will today receive a copy of a letter being jointly sent out by Headteachers across the Country, regarding school funding. Nobody doubts that these are difficult financial times and that there are a lot of competing interests and good causes. Governors and the Senior Team at MVC have worked very hard over the past few years to increase our efficiency and the whole staff team work very hard to get the best possible value from resources. Nonetheless, there is nothing more important than our childrens’ futures and if we fail to invest sufficiently in all schools, both in terms of the academic offer and also the wider experiences and support systems, we will have failed our children.

Simon Holmes




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