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SLT Update May 12

12th May 2017

  • On Wednesday, some of our pupils went to sunny Sawston to compete in an athletics event. All the pupils did very well and some of the highlights were:
  • Will Mallen gaining 1st place in Javelin and 2nd place in the 100m
  • Hannah Smouton gaining 1st place in the shot
  • Daisy Moxham (year 7) gaining 1st place in the year 8 girls 300m
  • Well done to everyone who took part and particular thanks to Dexter Todd, Gethan Rogers and Daisy Moxham for competing up a year.
  • There is a meeting for the parents and carers of anyone taking part in the Rome visit at 6:30pm on Tuesday, 16th May in the Hall. The purpose of the meeting is to give out information and to discuss any further preparation that is needed.
  • The senior representatives from across the Cam Academy Trust have spent two days this week working with Apple and a digital publisher to look at possible joint ventures in the future.
  • GCSE exams have started in earnest and Year 11s have made a great start. All our dancers did very well on Thursday, the Art work is looking fantastic and the controlled assessment in a number of subjects is being finalised and submitted.
  • On Friday 5th May 22 students took part in the Duke of Edinburgh weekend in the Chilterns, on the other side of Leighton Buzzard. The students did really well, and all the staff commented on how well they behaved and what a good natured group they were. We were also very lucky with the weather – no rain!!!
  • This week we were delighted to welcome back Luke Hedbitch, one of our ex-students, who talked to our current students about his experiences of gaining a degree level apprenticeship working with Cisco and the opportunities available in the growth area of apprenticeships. If you would still like to be included in my apprenticeship email contact group, please let me know.
  • As part of our collaborative working, senior leadership teams within the Cam Academy Trust carry out peer reviews of each school/college. Next week, I will be part of the team reviewing Cambourne Village College, which I am looking forward to immensely – both the reviewers and the schools reviewed find this an extremely useful part of our school development.
  • Next Thursday, our year 8 students will be going on the annual trip to Spain. They will visit Cantabria, learning Spanish from native speakers, making friends with Spanish students and visiting the area. This is a fantastic opportunity for them and we know we will all have a wonderful time. I will put photos on Facebook when I can.

Have a good weekend.

Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal

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