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SLT Update March 29 2018

29th March 2018

ï‚· Last Saturday Ms Cooke was selected to play for England Deaf Ladies Rugby Team as their starting Fly Half. This is a full contact rugby team, who are shortly off to Australia for the International Deaf 7s tournament. Saturday’s match was a warm up friendly against Preston, with the England team winning 29-12.

ï‚· Last week, as part of their ‘World of Work’ programme, our students had to plan a class activity which involves setting goals and identifying steps needed to achieve them. They decided to organise a good luck leaving party for Ewan Walpole. As a group, they decided on the date, who was going to be invited, the permissions, decorations and lots more. The students worked hard together and organised an amazing party and a good time was had by all.

ï‚· Over the course of our recent Science Week, 204 pupils took part in the Society of Biology Challenge, which is UK wide with more than 1800 schools taking part. Pupil challenges consisted of two quite difficult papers embracing the whole of KS3 or KS4 Biology. The total was 139 and we had 10 pupils exceeding 100 marks. Congratulations to Ben Camilieri and Finlay Downham-White as our top scorers! Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates will be with us soon. Well done, everyone!
ï‚· It has been a busy term for fixtures and tournaments. Since half term, we have played competitions in netball, football, badminton, adapted sports and table tennis. There has been a set of mixed results but congratulations to everyone who has taken part and represented the school.
ï‚· Once again, Sports Leaders have been involved in contributing towards leading events including umpiring tournaments and helping at enrichment. Many thanks for all their hard work. The new cohort of year 9 sports leaders will start their programme of training after the Easter holidays.

ï‚· Next term we will be concentrating on athletics and rounders fixtures and one more netball tournament for year 7s. Hopefully the new term will bring warmer weather, so students should be prepared with shorts/skorts and white socks, in order to make the most of it.
ï‚· There will be a police surgery between 11am and 2pm on Tuesday 24th April at The Hub in Melbourn; anyone is welcome to pop along to speak to the local officer about any pressing concerns they have about any of the villages.
ï‚· Finally, we wish all our year 11 students well, as they focus on their GCSE examination preparation. Remember: if you try revise well, you will do well.
Have a wonderful Easter break.
Regina Lawrence
Deputy Principal

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