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SLT Update June 9

9th June 2017


Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – 9th June 2017


  • Just before half term, we had our leavers’ day celebrations, eating ice cream in the Melbourn sun. It was too warm for much jumping on the bouncy castle, but we did a lot of shirt signing and staff and students really enjoyed the occasion.
  • Our Year 11 Art students are currently preparing for the GCSE fine Art Exhibition at the Plough in Shrepreth. The exhibition is free admission for all and will run from 16th June to 13th July. We hope that many of you will be able to attend the preview evening on Friday, 16th June from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.  The work displayed is of an extremely high standard and we hope you enjoy viewing it. We are very grateful to The Plough for letting us use the space again this year.
  • Congratulations to Daisy Moxham, who did very well at the East regional Swimming Championships. She made the final for 3 events and won a silver for the 100 freestyle. Both Daisy and Jake have been selected to swim for Cambridgeshire County at the East Inter Counties competition in July. Good luck to both.
  • Our year 9 and 10 students have now returned from their Humanities trip to Rome. Mrs Gunner had nothing but praise for the impeccable behaviour of our students and the interest and engagement they showed in the places they visited – they were a real credit to themselves and to our College. Do have a look at the wonderful photos, which have been on our Facebook page throughout the week, and you will be able to read a full report in next week’s Round-Up.
  • Our invigilators have commented on the excellent behavior our Year 11 students in exams. Well done to all of them and good luck in the remainder of the GCSE exams.


Have a good weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal


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