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SLT Update June 30

30th June 2017

Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – 30th June 2017

  • It’s a busy time for year 10. They have almost finished their end of year exams, in which their efforts have been excellent, and are looking forward to their work experience from 10th to 20th July. As part of our careers education programme, all our year 10 students have the opportunity to attend Taster Days at our main post-16 centres. Many have already experienced lessons at Long Road, CRC and Cottenham. Today, many went to Hills Road and next week is Comberton Sixth Form.
  • It is always a joy to hear what our ex-students are doing. We have just received these updates:
    • Phoebe Spry has finished her degree at Winchester University, is hoping for a 1st and has a job as Marketing Strategy Assistant at New Look Head Office in London
    • Ellie Pemberton is now HR assistant at Michael Kors in London
    • Bessie Walker is touring with Alice in Wonderland and has the lead part!  She’s out in Canada rehearsing and is then touring with the production through the Turks and Caicos islands
    • Florence Clark is loving her 4th Year of her medical degree at UEA
    • Jonathan Cooper has just achieved a starred 1st in History from Pembroke College, Cambridge, and is returning in September to begin a Masters.

I am sure our current students will find their news an inspiration.

  • On Tuesday, Mr Holmes attended the annual Cambridgeshire Secondary Heads Conference. Best-selling author and high performance consultant James Kerr talked about  ‘Lessons in leadership from the world’s highest performing teams’, whilst Steve Chalke, founder of the Oasis Charitable Trust – the largest academy chain in England, talked about the lessons learnt from his long and varied experiences. Following workshops on the best practice happening in local schools, the day concluded with a session from Mary Rayner, previously an HMI Ofsted Inspector and currently director of Quality (Education and Children Services) for the Priory Group. Mary talked passionately about supporting SEND students within schools. All in all, this was an excellent day with lots of useful and practical ideas to bring back to improve the day to day experience of MVC students.
  • On Thursday our Year 8 rounders team came 5th out of 10 teams in the combined partnership games at St. Ives – only 1 rounder off being semi-finalists. Well done to all players for such a great achievement!
  • There are a couple of events at Melbourn Hub this Sunday 2nd July:
    • The first is a family orientated day called the Hub Showcase, which runs from 12 - 4pm. There will be stalls, a BBQ and a bar and the event is free.
    • The second is a Retro Disco night, starting at 7pm and finishing around 10/10.30 with bar and free nibbles. Tickets are £5 per head.

Contact Jose Hales on or the Melbourn Hub center manager on 01763 263303; tickets are selling fast and numbers will be limited. Hoping you can support this truly great event that hopes to raise awareness of a variety of charitable groups.


Have a good weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal

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