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SLT Update June 16

16th June 2017

  • This week our year 8 rounders team won four and lost three games in the rounders tournament, coming 6th out of all the teams attending. As a result of being the 2nd placed team in all South Cambs schools, they now go onto the next level of competition on the 29th June at St. Ives. Good luck, everyone.
  • On Tuesday, our year 9 sports leaders organised and led a Year 1 multi-skills festival for a number of our feeder primary schools. Over 100 5-6 year olds turned up for fun in the sun.
  • After school on Tuesday, 8 intrepid tennis players headed out for an entertaining afternoon of tennis at Comberton Village College. The A team came 3rd, the B team came 6th.
  • We have a fantastic exhibition of GCSE year 11 students art work on display at the Plough in Shepreth. The preview is tonight and the exhibition runs until Thursday 13th of July.  The work shows the creative energy and imagination of the year 11 artists. You will be extremely impressed by the high quality work – do visit.
  • This week, the College has been taking part in the Melbourn Bloomsday Festival. On Tuesday, we hosted a screening of Howards End, and on Thursday evening the annual Bloomsday Festival Lecture, this year looking at the cultural impact of James Joyce. In addition, students were involved in readings during the day today and Tamsin Dobb is reading poetry tomorrow.
  • On Wednesday, we were delighted to host the author and writer Xue Xinran. The founder of the charity ‘The Mothers’ Bridge of Love’ which reaches out to Chinese children in all corners of the world, Xinran inspired year 7 with tales of China and the Chinese indomitable spirit. In addition to her talk, Xinran was kind enough to present the College with signed copies of her books.
  • On Thursday evening, Mr. Holmes was invited to join a select group of educationalists at the House of Commons to celebrate 30 years of the SSAT. Speakers such as Lord Baker, Sir David Carter (National Schools Commissioner) and Sue Williamson (Chief Executive of the SSAT and MVC Chair of Governors) talked about the impact of the SSAT and the developing picture of current education. Key messages included the need for schools to have the confidence to follow their instincts in meeting the needs of their own students and the power of innovation.
  • Daisy Moxham has been selected for The East Region Talent Camp and Jake Moxham has been selected for the England East team to swim at the National School Games in Loughborough in August. Congratulations to both on their great achievement!
  • Congratulations to our new head team and prefects.

Head Girl: Elena Squire

Head Boy: Daniel Arthur

Deputy Head Girl: Mary Yates

Deputy Head Boy: Thomas Cockman

Prefects: Matthew Booth-Brown, Joie Cabreza, Fred Close, Tamsin Dobb, Samuel Forbes, Olivia Greenaway, John Hinton, Hanna Moulding,  Georgia Seaton, Alex Selby, Madison Sparks, Christain Wood.

Following the interviews this week, Mr Holmes explained how impressed he was ith the high quality of the applicants, saying; ‘They made the process very difficult and had lots of excellent ideas which we will look to take on. In addition, the day reiterated to us the difference that teachers can make in the lives of their students; the stories the students told were heartwarming and reminded us how lucky we are to work with such special people’.


Have a great weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal

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