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SLT Update January 25th

25th January 2019


  • Congratulations to Gethin Rogers and Annabelle Helme, who have qualified for the next round of the English School cross country and will represent Cambridgeshire at the Anglian round.
  • We are delighted that our KS4 science students have made such a fantastic start with Tassomai, our new on-line Science resource. Our first stats: Day 1 (3 classes) - 1857 GCSE questions correct; Day 2 (5 classes) - 7303 GCSE questions correct!  Top scorer: Jack Stanford with over 600 questions correct! One Year 10 student was reported as saying that Tassomai is even better than Fortnite. Well done and keep up this excellent practice.
  • It was wonderful to see the iPads in action in year 7 RE and Citizenship this morning. The students talked very positively about how they were using them to support their learning; they have quickly picked up how to use the split screen facility and the learning apps we have put on the ‘self-service’ section.
  • Year 7 students were very pleased to welcome Councillor Van de Ven to their Citizenship class this week, to discuss our programme of study, which includes the role of MPs, the local environment, the causes of criminal activity and current affairs. After observing a lesson and taking part in a class discussion Councillor Van de Ven commented “It was easily the highlight of my week. What an inspiration to be around such vibrant students, who seem absolutely ready to vote”. 
  • Year 9s always love the polymorph project in technology and enjoyed trying out different design possibilities of this smart material.


  • The post-16 interviews started today, with a great many Year 11 students having their interview at Long Road Sixth Form College. Students should not worry if they do not yet know their interview date, as all the post-16 centres offer several dates and times according to staff availability.
  • Good luck to Emily Jelley, who is going to be a ball girl at the Saracens Mavericks rugby match tonight as they take on Loughborough Lightning.


Have a relaxing weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal



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