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SLT Update December 8

8th December 2017

Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – December 8

  • On Tuesday, Year 5 and 6 students from Melbourn, Harston & Newton and Hauxton primary schools attended one of our extension Science days, “Making Chemistry Magic”.  Dr Wilson made elephant's toothpaste mysteriously appear and sent a smoke screen around the room burning jelly babies!  Students were enthralled and joined in asking lots of questions. Dr Wilson’s response, as always, was 'it's not's Science'.
  • The PE department recently took 15 talented sports students to the University of Bedfordshire. The trip gave them the opportunity to see what university life was like and to get an idea of the sports and teaching courses available. The students had a lesson in the sports labs where they undertook a VO2 max test to measure their oxygen consumption during exercise and had a session from the Head of Secondary PE teaching at the University. A great and insightful time was had by all.
  • The District cross country also took place on Tuesday 5th December. Two full mini buses took students to Netherhall to compete. Congratulations to Gethin Rogers and Matthew Pinney who performed extremely well.
  • A number of Music students were fortunate this week to go to Kings College Chapel, Cambridge, to hear the Carol Service which will be broadcast at Christmas. This was an opportunity to hear some fantastic singing in amazing surroundings.
  • We have run two primary football competitions this week. Both were refereed and scored by our fantastic Year 10 Sports Leaders. On Tuesday it was the year 5/6 football competition. The winners, but only on goal difference were Meldreth (beating Harston & Newton into second place). On Wednesday it was the turn of year 3 / 4 footballers. Once again, year 10 sports leaders refereed and scored the competition. Despite the different year groups, referees and scorers, history repeated itself with Meldreth claiming the winners spot ahead of Harston & Newton. Many thanks to all the sports leaders this term who have given up their time to help out at Melbourn Primary and MVC festivals and enrichment.
  • Looking forward to next week we have our Christmas concert on Thursday at 7pm. Tickets are still available from reception, priced £5 for adults and £3 for concessions.


Have a good weekend,


Simon Holmes


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