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SLT Update December 15

15th December 2017

Whilst we may be reaching the end of term, college activities are certainly not fading out:

ï‚· On Thursday morning the whole of Key Stage 3 treated each other and the staff to a superb Poetry Festival. The courage, dedication and enthusiasm shown by our students never fails to surprise us, year after year. This year, our students didn’t just recite poetry on stage in front of hundreds of their peers, which still would’ve been impressive, but they also thought carefully about how they could deliver a whole and polished performance. The competition was extremely high and the English Team found it challenging to select awards. Nevertheless, the students named below have been recognised for their performances and will receive a positive referral and a certificate. All of the students involved should be proud of themselves - well done everyone!
Congratulations to:
 Best Individual Performance: Josh Pettit
 Most Innovative Performance: Rosie Butcher and Kelvin Ribeiro
 Best Group Performance: Evie Lester, Lucy Oatey and Rosie Elliott
 Best Composition: Jennifer Weight-Burton
 Best Class Presentation: 7-2
 Best Class Performance: 92A
 Best Overall Class: 91A

ï‚· On Thursday evening, a packed audience enjoyed our Christmas Concert. In her first year at MVC, Miss Mullaly pulled together an exciting and eclectic mix of music and dance, supported by Mrs Archer. From the volume of the massed ranks of the year 7 singers, through the enthusiasm of the junior choir, to the refined harmonies of the Senior Choir, the audience was richly entertained. Superb dances were entwined with instrumental favourites. It was especially encouraging to see students accompanying the junior choir and to hear the orchestra performing with gusto! The year 11 Music group brought proceedings up to date with a Coldplay song and the next time I hear ‘O Come All Ye Faithful’ I will be wondering where the additional percussion track has gone!


ï‚· On Friday morning GCSE English students were treated to an exciting performance of Charles Dickens' famous festive tale: 'A Christmas Carol' by the visiting Quantum Theatre. Telling the story of Ebenezer Scrooge's miserly and cold-hearted ways, the actors took the students on a theatrical journey, embodying the roles of the various Christmas spirits that eventually lead Scrooge to his redemption. Dickens' novella is a 19th century text of which our students are currently studying in preparation for their English Literature GCSE exam and the performance was a great way for them to appreciate and understand the story. The students were very well behaved and very much enjoyed the performance.

ï‚· Looking forward to next week, we begin with Christmas Lunch on Monday. A brief reminder that students can use their parentpay account as usual or can bring cash for this day only and that no other food will be available at lunchtime.

ï‚· On Tuesday we end the term with Charities Morning. Students bring £1 to wear non-uniform (£2 for year 11 with £1 going to the Prom). After our first two lessons, the school will be turned into a giant fair with many stalls. Please could students bring some money to take part in games, buy cakes, etc and to raise a good deal of money for charitable causes. One of the stalls is a DVD/CD/book stall and if anyone has any donations, please bring them to Reception marked FAO Ewan Walpole.

ï‚· In addition, a reminder that there are no enrichment sessions on next week. All buses will run at 3pm on Monday and 2pm (early finish) on Tuesday.

This is the last SLT blog of the year so it simply remains for me to thank you for all your support this term and to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. School for students starts on January 4th!
Have a good Christmas,
Simon Holmes

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