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SLT Update December 1

1st December 2017

Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – December 1

  • On Tuesday Year 9 and 11 students took part in a careers advice day. Organised with the help of Form the Future ( the event brought together a wide range of local businesses enabling students to ask lots of questions and broaden their awareness of future career options. Companies included TTP, who have recently pledged £100,000 to support developments in our Science Department, solicitors and accountants amongst a number of others. Even Mrs Lawrence stood in when one company was unable to attend to enlighten students about a possible career in teaching!
  • On Thursday and Friday of this week Mrs Lawrence has been attending the annual SSAT Conference Entitled ‘Illuminating Learning’, the focus is on the effectiveness and impact of leaders and teachers and will highlight some of the latest research in this area. We look forward to her bringing back lots of exciting ideas. 
  • Also on Thursday, Mr Holmes attended a Joint Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health & Wellbeing conference, bringing together professionals from Health, Education and the Voluntary Sector to consider the current provision to support students with Mental Health needs and to consider how things can best move forwards.
  • Starting on Wednesday 6th December 3pm-4pm the History Department will be running a weekly study skills club for GCSE History students. The aim of this enrichment session will be to improve students’ subject knowledge and importantly focus on exam technique in the run up to mock and actual GCSEs. This will be of benefit to students wishing to improve their subject skills and reach their full potential in exams. Please sign up at reception.
  • Christmas concert tickets are selling fast so don’t miss out. It's on Thursday 14th December at 7.00pm. Tickets are available from reception!
  • There will be some new sporting enrichment opportunities for next term. Please make sure your children take a look and sign up in as some of the activities lead into fixtures. Activities include: trampolining, boys & girls football, basketball, dodgeball, table tennis, badminton, tennis, running club, boot camp & netball. Fixtures against other schools in netball and football will start after half term.
  • A space has become available on the Ski trip next year.  The trip will take place on  9th to 17th February 2018. The total cost of the trip will have to be paid in full.  The amount is £865.  If you are interested please contact Mrs Humphrey on the usual college number or by email at

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