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SLT Update April 27th 2018

27th April 2018

  • On Wednesday evening, our Year 8 group returned from Comillas in Cantabria. A huge thank you to Mrs Deadman and Mr Sunderland for their commitment and hard work and to Mrs Stanley, who organised and led the trip. Mrs Stanley reported that the students had been impeccably behaved, engaged and had a great time. Well done.


  • Our summer enrichment programme has started this week. If your son / daughter is interested in joining an activity, it isn’t too late. Please ask him / her to speak to the member of staff concerned as soon as possible.


  • Our GCSE exams are now under way, so good luck to all our students. If anyone is feeling anxious, please do seek advice/support from your subject teacher or the pastoral team: Mrs Deal, Mrs Smith or Mrs Deadman. Please remember that there will be a revision session prior to each examination.


  • Good luck to Harriet Henry, who will be representing Cambridge City Girls in football over the two coming weekends. Do see the photo of Harriet and Ruby Want winning the tournament last year; this was an amazing experience for the girls and we wish them well again this year.


  • Well done to our Year 11 students on their successful transition visit to CRC yesterday and thank you to Mrs Patel for leading the visit.


  • On Monday, 10 students will be visiting us from Beijing. They will be following an English immersion programme, studying alongside our Year 7 students for 10 weeks. I am sure that our students will make them feel welcome.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal


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