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SLT Update April 21

21st April 2017


  • Senior Leadership Weekly Round-Up – 21st April 2017


  • Our students have made a very positive start to the new term. A good number of year 11 students attended the Easter revision sessions and we hope they will also make good use of any other sessions their teachers put on between now and the exams.
  • In March, over 70 students in years 9 & 10 completed the Society for Biology’s “Biology Challenge”.  After receiving the results of this, we have had our most successful year thus far!
  • 49/70 students received an award, with 10 Bronze awards, 8 Silver awards, and 4 Gold awards! Congratulations to our 4 gold award winners: Matt Booth-Brown, Sam Forbes, Daniel Arthur and Toby Walker.  This is above the national average for the competition. Certificates for all award winners will be with you shortly.
  • There will be 12 Chinese visitors arriving on Monday to experience English schooling. They will be here and in KS3 classes for 10 weeks. We know students will make them welcome.
  • Congratulations to Tamsin Dobb in year 10, who is in the finals of the Poetry by Heart National competition. The finals take place at the British Library in London this weekend. This is a very prestigious event and we wish Tamsin the very best of luck.
  • Our Year 11 group photograph will take place on Tuesday 25th April.  All students much wear their black cardigans/jumpers.
  • We have reminded students of the rules surrounding mobile phones over the past week. Phones should not be seen in or between lessons, unless being used with permission from the teacher. They can be used at break and lunchtime but not in the dining hall. In order to minimise disruption and to help students remember, we will confiscate phones until the end of the day or next day, if in the afternoon. Thank you for your support in this matter.
  • It has been an eclectic start to History in the summer term; year 7s have been looking at Medieval views on Heaven and Hell and how these ideas controlled many aspects of Medieval life, in the run up to their Church assessment; year 8 have been studying the Massacre at Glencoe during the reign of William III; Year 9 students are focused on the evacuation of British and French troops at Dunkirk and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • The GCSE PE moderation took place yesterday at Sawston; all pupils involved did very well.
  • On Tuesday Dr Wilson asked the History Department, ‘What’s new in History?’ to which Mr Tobutt replied ‘The upcoming General Election’. Tutor groups have had an opportunity to discuss this in form time as part of their ‘current affairs’ programme, which is very modern History by another name.
  • Today, we have welcomed our Spanish students, who are visiting us as part of the year 9 Spanish exchange. We hope they, and their MVC counterparts, enjoy the week here.


Have a lovely weekend.


Regina Lawrence

Deputy Principal



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