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Prom is a big hit

1st July 2019

Melbourn Village College was transformed into ‘a night under the stars’ for the annual Year 11 Leavers’ Prom.
Students arrived in style at the front of college to be greeted by hundreds of cheering spectators. They were served with ‘mocktails’ from a mobile bar, hired in for the occasion. The dining hall had been decorated with translucent drapes and lights to create a special ambience. After dinner, students enjoyed the annual awards and danced away the evening with a disco.
Mr Holmes, Principal, said: “This was a fitting end to Year 11’s time with us. The hard work of the Year 11 prom committee and college staff paid off with an excellent evening which will linger long in the memory.”
One teacher reported that she was told it was “way better than after Prom!”

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