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Open Evening & non uniform

30th September 2016

Hundreds of prospective pupils and their parents flocked to Melbourn Village College this week for the annual Open Evening.

Principal Simon Holmes gave two talks to packed audiences in the main hall and youngsters were given the opportunity to discover what Melbourn has to offer.

“It was a very good evening with lots of positive comments and smiling faces,” said Mr Holmes.

The same day also saw the launch of Melbourn’s new website, which was also well received.

The Open Evening was sandwiched between two fund-raising initiatives which have raised more than £800 for two charities.

Last week denim was the ‘must have’ item as staff and students donated £1 each to wear their own choice of clothes on Jeans for Genes Day and raise funds for Genetic Disorders UK.

Then earlier this week students added something bright from their wardrobe as they again paid £1 to leave uniforms at home to collect cash for local charity Camsight during National Eye Health Week.

They also had a talk from a Camsight representative during assembly and at lunchtime staff were challenged by students to a goalball match – a game designed for blind and partially sighted participants using a ball with a bell inside it.

“Students really enjoyed trying out goalball and we are really pleased to have been able to combine learning about the great work these charities do with raising money to help support them further,”  said Mr Holmes.

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