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Key Notes: 25 March 2022

25th March 2022

Focus on the Future

Year 11s have been focusing on their futures this week with their final PSHE session. This included time to think about starting college – looking at transport, expectations and rules at colleges as well as financial and pastoral support. They also looked at revision methods, including flashcards and mindmaps. This has supplemented the work they have been doing on the same topic in tutor time over the last few weeks. Parents/carers may find the following website useful for revision and study tips:

At the end of this newsletter, you will find some suggested activities for the Easter Holidays.  I am including them this week so that you will have time to book if interested.

Coming up next week…

  • 29 March: Music Concert by invitation only.
  • 30-31 March: Drama Practicals
  • 31 March: Year 11 Geography fieldwork trip
  • 1 April: Year 7 Reports issued

Enrichment Activities

Our Summer term extra-curricular clubs will start on Monday 25th April.  These sessions will take place between 2.50-3.50pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  We would encourage all pupils to take part. There are limits to the number of pupils we can have in each activity so your child must sign up for the ones they wish to attend. We also run a free bus service home. This will visit all local catchment areas and Royston, and we aim to get all pupils home by 5pm. You can complete the Enrichment Activities form by clicking here.

Bake Sale for Ukraine

Year 7 pupils held a cake sale on Monday to raise more money for the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal. Pupils from all years made cakes, fudge and biscuits to sell on the stall at breaktime. These treats were very popular, and we raised over £225. Well done!

World Down Syndrome Day

Keeley (Y11) took part in a flash mob in Trafalgar Square with Project 21 to mark World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD) on 21 March. WDSD aims to advocate for the rights, inclusion and wellbeing of people with Down syndrome. Some pupils wore brightly coloured socks to support the #LotsOfSocks campaign and be part of the global voice to raise awareness of Down syndrome.

Comberton Gymnastics at MVC

Comberton Gymnastics are looking for an enthusiastic person(s) with an interest in coaching gymnastics to join our team in Melbourn. Some knowledge is advantageous, but not essential. For more information please email or call on 07984 603395.

Physical Education

With this week being our final week of sports fixtures of the term, it was quite fitting that one of our most successful football teams of recent years played out the final sports match and their last ever at MVC. The Year 11 boys travelled to Bassingbourn for a friendly with their Head of Year, Mr Kennedy, helping out the PE department yet again. We would like to thank him for assisting with several enrichments and school sports fixtures including this one.

The boys faced a strong combined year 10 and 11 team and performed admirably.  They took a 2-nil lead but unfortunately were not able to hang on and ended up losing 3-2.  Mr Kennedy was so proud of the boys for taking the defeat well and they showed admirable maturity and composure.  Mr Kennedy said, “The boys have had an amazing football year and I wish them every success for their future football careers.”  Always one to give excellent advice, he said, “Remember to treat victory and defeat the same and the most important thing is to keep playing and enjoy yourselves always!!”

Whilst the Yr11 footballers were on the road, Mr Barlow was back at MVC with the Year 8 basketball team. They have been rewarded for regular attendance to enrichment with an additional fixture against Bassingbourn, having hosted Cambourne recently. Whilst it will be tough for them to emulate this year's U/16 team who became the first for many years at MVC to reach the District final, they are showing potential and put in an improved performance with lots of points in their friendly matches.

Science - Biology

On Wednesday, Mr Callow’s Y11 biology class took the opportunity to get out into the sunshine and undertake population sampling of the spring-time flora using random quadrat sampling for their GCSE required practical work.

Pastoral Support

The Cambridgeshire Early Help team will be running the “Triple P Teens” course for parents at Melbourn Village College in the summer Term on Wednesdays from 1 – 3pm for 7 weeks.

The course aims to support parents raising teenage children by looking at adolescent behaviours, setting boundaries, strategies to help regulate behaviour and mood, self-confidence, self-esteem and anger.  These are all areas that are often raised when working with students and parents within school and therefore we feel very fortunate that Early Help have selected Melbourn Village College to host this course and can offer this resource to our parents. 

Completing Triple P is a prerequisite for any successful neurodevelopmental referral to Younited when trying to activate support for students who need investigations into ASD or ADHD pathways and therefore we encourage parents wanting to pursue this route to also engage with this course.

Have a good weekend,

Simon Holmes


Activities for Easter

We have been informed about some of the activities and opportunities taking place over the Easter Holiday and are sharing them here for you to consider. Please note that MVC neither directly nor indirectly endorses any event or service listed below.



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