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Key Notes: 25 February 2022

25th February 2022


Living with Covid

Following publication of updated DfE guidance to schools and information from the Local Authority, please look out for the school post on our approach to Covid following the changes this week.

Ukraine and Russia

Sometimes, events happen which force us to reconsider our perspectives. At this current time, our thoughts are with all members of our community who have relatives in Ukraine and Russia. Here at MVC we have a number of families with connections to these areas and we would want to ensure that the decisions made by leaders in relation to the conflict do not reflect in any way upon them in terms of any comments made by other pupils.


Please ensure that your child comes to school in the correct uniform. This includes jewellery, in particular earrings – one stud only per ear, no hoops and nose piercings. We recommend that anyone who gets their nose pierced, does so at the start of the Summer Holiday so that the stud can be removed during school time when they return. If pupils are unable to remove their stud for the whole school day (for example, if the hole would close) then they can instead temporarily wear a ‘keeper’ (a clear plastic stud that keeps the piercing open) until such time as it has fully healed, and they can remove all studs whilst they are at school.

Coming up next week: 2nd March: Y7 careers’ event at MVC and 4th March: Year 10 PSHE Day.

Year 9 Options

Following Parents' Evening this week, the time has now come to let us know your child's final decision about the optional subjects they wish to pursue for the next two years.  The link to the form has been emailed to Y9 parents/carers and is available below: Link to options choice form.

The deadline for completing the form is 7th March.

Work Experience

Year 10 work experience (WEX) will take place from 11th–21st July 2022. An email has been sent with information about finding and accepting a placement. If you are an employer and would like to offer a WEX placement to one of our Year 10s, please email


Pupils in Years 7, 8 and 9 have now been offered the option to hire a locker.  If you have paid for a locker via ParentPay, please check that your child has collected their key from Reception.  An email will be sent out about lockers for Years 10 and 11 pupils on Monday next week.

Year 7 Poetry Competition

Well, the results are in! Poet, Ash Dickinson has selected our top 3 winners for the Year 7 ‘Winter Poetry Competition’.  However, you will have to wait a little longer for the names to be given out until we have contacted all of them. A full announcement, photos of the prizegiving and the 3 poems will all be in next week’s Key Notes.  In the meantime, here is one of Mr Bacon’s personal favourites (not one of the top 3, but still a fantastic poem) written by Kate. She wins the special “Poem That Made Mr Bacon Smile” prize, which is a packet of chocolates!

Christmas from a Turkey’s Perspective

Pity us turkeys at Christmas,

For this is the time of year,

That our necks are at risk on the chopping block,

And humans kill ones we hold dear.

Pity us turkeys this Christmas,

Don’t kill me, I promise I’m nice,

But when you do eat us for dinner,

Remember we once had a life.


I’ve seen many a turkey panic,

When the farmers come into our pen,

And many of them just go manic,

And have to be killed there and then.

So please I’m begging, as a turkey,

Don’t kill us on such a great day,

We’re nothing but helpless warblers,

We just want a place to stay.

RE Day

On Thursday, pupils in Year 10 completed their first session of the KS4 RE program where they were investigating the different categories of family, roles of men and women with corresponding responsibilities, with reference to teachings from Christianity and Islam. There were many opportunities for vigorous debate and various points were explored by the different class groups. A very enjoyable morning was had by staff and pupils alike and it was a pleasure to engage in the myriad of discussions and arguments that were held within the groups. 

Physical Education

Our Year 8 boys football team bowed out of the County Cup on Tuesday in another entertaining game on our new astroturf. Amazingly we have progressed the furthest of all the village colleges in the competition with this team reaching the quarter finals.  Our Year 10s are still flying the flag for MVC, having got through to the semi-final. We wish them luck as they aim to cap a fantastic year for football here at MVC.

KS4 GCSE PE pupils braved the cold and windy conditions on Tuesday night as we welcomed King James Academy Royston for a competitive netball match. The match was great practice for our GCSE PE pupils’ accredited qualifications.

Sporting Achievement

Congratulations to Hannah G who represented MVC at the National Schools Pistol Championships. She had a great day, ending 21st in a very tough competition. Well done.

Pupil iPads

Year 7s have been enjoying using their iPads in lots of different lessons. Here are some pictures from science, maths, social skills and music. Pupils have demonstrated that they are ‘Responsible’ and ‘Ready to Learn’ by remembering to bring their iPad in each day. Well done!

Year 7 Art with iPads

Year 7 have been using their iPads to assist them in producing a visual brainstorm based on Ancient Egypt.  Alongside teaching the basic principles of shape, three-dimensions, tone, pattern and colour, pupils have individualised their designs with the use of their iPads. 

Mrs Ward is proud of their achievements and thinks they have produced some fantastic results.

16th Annual Snowdrop Run

Cambridge & District MG Owners Club held their 16th Annual Snowdrop Run in support of local charities at the weekend. The run started at MVC and, after a trip through scenic rural areas of East Anglia, they finished in Bury St Edmunds. In addition to other charities, the Club also made a generous donation to the school.

Roger Plummer, Snowdrop Run Coordinator for Cambridge and District MG Owners' Club thanked MVC, on behalf of the Club and all the Snowdrop Run entrants, for hosting the event.  He said “The delicious breakfast rolls, tea and coffee were greatly appreciated by all of us and received so many favourable comments. The weather did turn somewhat wet later in the day, but all had good fun, with some arriving at Bury St Edmunds not quite as dry as others!”

Photos: Cambridge & District MG Owners’ Club

SEN News

The latest newsletter from Pinpoint Cambridgeshire for parents/carers of children with additional needs and disabilities is now available to view online here.  This issue includes information about new sessions coming up for parents and carers. These sessions are free, all online, and booking is easy via the events page:

  • 2nd March, 10am-12pm: Pathological Demand Avoidance.
  • 4th March, 10am-12pm: Pinpoint Parent Carer Tii Hub. 
  • 7th March, 12-1.30pm: How our brain manages anxiety – Polyvagal theory.
  • 8th March, 8-9.30pm: SEN Dads and Mums Group.
  • 11th March, 10am-12pm: Pinpoint Parent/Carer Tii Hub.
  • 14th March, 10am-12pm: Dyslexia friendly strategies to help your child with reading.
  • 16th March, 12-2pm: Yvonne Newbold – Teenage years and how to navigate extreme behaviour.
  • 18th March, 10am-12pm: Pinpoint Parent/Carer Tii Hub.
  • 21st March, 10am-12pm: Harry Thompson – PDA, Autism and Me.
  • 23rd March, 10am-12pm: Being a neurodiverse parent carer.
  • 25th March, 10am-12pm: Pinpoint Parent/Carer Tii Hub.
  • 29th March, 12-1.30pm: Challenging Behaviour with Centre 33.

Have a good weekend,

Simon Holmes

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