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Key Notes: 21 May 2021

21st May 2021

Leavers and starters

Year 11 Leavers Day will be taking place on Friday next week. They will be having their year group and individual photos taken in the morning and will need to come into school wearing full uniform.  In the afternoon they can change into their leavers’ hoodies and enjoy some activities on the back field. We will be in touch next week about Yr11 arrangements for June. They have shown great resilience and determination to succeed during what has been a very unusual and often challenging final year.

Meanwhile, Mrs Nicholls and Mrs Coghlan have been visiting local primary schools this week to meet with pupils who we will be welcoming to MVC in September, answering their questions and explaining the transition process.

Year 7 Parents’ Evening will be taking place on Tuesday 8th June after half term. We will be using the Schoolcloud system and parents have been emailed the details:

Also, please note that Music Club is cancelled on Monday 24th May.

Physical Education

Now that the weather is starting to improve it is advisable that pupils are prepared for PE lessons outside.  They should bring sunscreen, waterbottle and a hat. Choice of PE clothing also needs to be adapted to the weather and pupils can wear black PE shorts and the black PE T-shirt with the blue stripe down the side.

Pupils survey: The Big Ask

The Children’s Commissioner’s survey of childhood, The Big Ask, is the largest ever survey of children in England. Already more than 400,000 children and young people have had their say about what matters to them for their future. Every single pupil’s voice is important.  Please consider asking your child to complete this survey and make their voice heard. The deadline for the survey is Friday 28 May.

Mental Health

As part of Wellbeing Wednesday, in form time this week, some students have been looking at “Building Resilience”. Resilience is the individual’s ability to adapt to stress and adversity, something we have all been under with the pandemic! Being resilient means we are able to bounce back from various situations. The message to students was…

“Stress and adversity can come from difficulties with schoolwork, family or relationship problems, health problems and financial worries. Common strategies to becoming more resilient are:

  • Be optimistic.
  • Set yourself goals, be ambitious yet realistic.
  • Be hardworking; from hard work comes good organisation.   
  • Make your studies your priority, get into a regular work routine, have a desk in a quiet area at home.​
  • Complete your work first, then reward yourself with social media, computer games or television.
  • Eat regular healthy meals and exercise to be strong.
  • A good night’s sleep will help you tackle problems a lot better. You will be surprised how much easier it is to bounce back when you’re feeling rested: “Tomorrow is another day”.

Everybody is Somebody​ - You all matter…a lot! ​

Being resilient does not happen over night. The steps mentioned can all help. â€‹We expect you to try. Try Try Try. And keep trying…​ We can ask nothing more of you. â€‹We will have setbacks, but coming through the other side helps build your resilience, and if it gets tough, speak to someone.  Your teachers, Heads of Year and Pastoral team are all here to help or email

Year 11 Art

We are truly delighted with the hard work and creativity of all the Year 11 pupils taking Fine Art GCSE and have framed every student’s final piece, displaying their work in the main corridor in school.  We are currently creating an online gallery tour which will be available to view shortly, and in the meantime you can see a taster at the end of this newsletter.

Mrs Heeks is truly amazed by the students’ resilience and the creative energy, and feels their work truly celebrates the positive attitude displayed by the class of 2021 GCSE Art students.  She will miss them all and wishes them the very best in the future.

Pupil Showcase: Year 8 and 9 Design and Technology

This week we have some examples of finished light sensitive projects by our year 9 pupils.  They have made small devices that light up when in the dark, displaying engraved student designs. Year 8’s designed a phone stand with a wooden base. The plastic was engraved with their own design and all student took their projects home this week. Well done.

Have a good weekend,

Simon Holmes

Pupil Showcase: Year 8 and 9 Design and Technology

Pupil Showcase: Year 11 Fine Art

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