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Key Notes: 2 July 2021

2nd July 2021

Year 10 Exams

Mr Lockett our Exams Officer would like to say a big thank you to all the year 10 pupils for helping make the exams go really smoothly.

Mandarin Excellence Programme

Please note that MEP after-school classes will not be running in the last two weeks of term (12th-16th, and 19th-23rd July).  This is because there are some the additional activities taking place during those weeks for Year 9 and 10 MEP classes. MEP pupils have all done extremely well and shown excellent commitment to learning – well done!


Year 7 enjoying a vocabulary battle in Spanish – they are very competitive!

September Start Date

On Friday 3rd September we will be welcoming in the new year 7s, but please note that other year groups will not be required in school until Monday 6th September.

Pupil Wellbeing

The Pastoral Team have been looking at resources to create a Pupil Wellbeing noticeboard in school along the main corridor and to direct pupils to the Pastoral Team for support. Mrs Sage and Mrs Daly support KS3 pupils, (years 7 8 & 9). Mrs Deadman and Mrs Tidby support KS4 (years 10 & 11).  Although for different reasons there is sometimes a cross-over to ensure the right member of staff supports the right pupil.

Please see below a list of useful, free apps designed for children to support their mental health from sleep to anxiety and stress. These are a good place to start encouraging children to understand and learn about their own mental health.

Melbourn Village College EcoGroup

We have ‘tweaked’ the grass cutting plan around school this year to do our bit to help insects and wildlife. The hedge boundary is being left to grow long. The charity Bug Life has created a map of B-Lines which are wildlife corridors specifically for pollinators. Allowing wildflowers and grass to grow anywhere helps, but the charity aims to focus on creating corridors of pollinating plants to help insects move from one area to another more easily. It turns out that Melbourn Village College is on one of these B-Lines! You can read more here. If you don’t have a large area to leave grass to grow all season you might consider leaving strips of grass for a few weeks longer between cuts to allow low flowering plants like clover to flower before cutting. If repeated regularly then the number of these plants will usually increase naturally.

Enrichment Activities

On Friday a mixture of Year 7 and 8s went to Cambourne to play cricket. We started brightly and defeated Impington VC comfortably, the next two games were a lot tougher and we ran Cambourne very close in game two but found Comberton very difficult. We finished a credible third and there were lots of positives, one being we got to play in a sports tournament again after so many have been cancelled due to the pandemic.  Mr Barlow was very philosophical ‘for two thirds of today we have been very competitive. The goal for pupils who represented the school today is to continue to improve in this sport and for those who don’t play for a club to consider joining a local team such as  Foxton, Thriplow, Royston and Reed.

There are still spaces available for many of the enrichment activities. More information is available here. Below are pictures of our Year 7 running club enjoying some exercise on the field yesterday.

Cupcake Sale

Patrick in Year 9 held a cupcake sale for staff today to help raise funds for the new sensory room. He raised just over £100.  Well done!

Summer Para Games at Cambourne VC

On Monday, 6 pupils from MVC travelled to Cambourne VC for the first ever Summer Para Games. Competing in teams of 3, they worked their way around 8 sporting stations including seated volleyball, boccia, javelin through a hoop, and new age curling. The pupils worked towards the 6 sporting values of determination; respect; teamwork; honesty; belief; and passion and were awarded certificates and medals for these values. Pupils had great fun, worked really hard, and were very successful.

Food Technology

Following on from ‘Healthy Eating Week’, KS3 pupils have been learning about portion control or using less high fat ingredients.  They have been baking artisan pizza’s topped with olives, pineapple, and peppers. Vitamin burst muffins’ choosing from a range of fillings such as carrot, apple, honey, raspberry, blueberry and strawberries. Delicious!

Year 7 Illuminated Lettering

This term Year 7 have been working on Illuminated Manuscripts, Gemma Black Art Calligraphy work and Letter pottery designs. They have been doing research and mixed media work in lesson time and also rotating to pottery in small groups to be taught by Mrs Bryce.

Pupil Showcase: English

Year 8 pupils have been studying Chaucer’s ‘The Canterbury Tales’ with a focus on creative writing; looking at how he develops characters and narratives. Students have produced some fantastic work rewriting ‘The Pardoner’s Tale’ in their own words and illustrating their work.

Have a good weekend,

Simon Holmes

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