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Key Notes: 12 November 2021

13th November 2021

Remembrance Day

Pupils observed a 2 mins silence on Thursday for Remembrance Day. Tom played the Last Post on the Willow Lawn in honour of the sacrifice made by so many men and women in all the wars of the 20th and 21st centuries. Harry S. Y9 wrote the following poem, having been inspired at the poetry session:

Enrichment activities – changes

Pupils have finished their rugby lessons and enrichment this term. Next week there will be a Year 7 and 8 football trial on Tuesday 16th November. This will be in place of rugby enrichment from 2.50 – 3.50pm. Pupils should wear boots and shin pads. From the 23rd November the Tuesday enrichment session will change to basketball and is open to all years.

Non-Uniform Day – Friday 19th November

Next Friday we will have a non-uniform day in aid of Children in Need. We ask all pupils wanting to wear non-uniform to contribute £1 to raise money for Children in Need. Year 11s can wear non-uniform, even though it will be their last day of mock exams. All pupils are expected to wear appropriate clothing to school, so nothing revealing or offensive. Please note that usual jewellery rules still apply. Payment can be by cash (collected in form time) or via the BBC Children in Need donation page for Melbourn Village College here.

Covid Information

Any pupils absent from school due to Covid isolation will have work set for them using Teams.  To log into Teams, pupils can search for Office 365, put in their school email address (in the form and the same password they use in school to log on. Locate the class team, open it up, and the ‘Posts’ section will show their work. This system will be really helpful for pupils who miss school, for any reason, as the work will remain there and they can catch up with work they have missed while they were unwell.

English: Poetry and Performance

Years 7 and 9 have enjoyed some amazing sessions with visiting poet, Ash Dickinson on Wednesday and Thursday this week. The sessions sparked some super creativity from the pupils who were inspired to compose and perform their own poems.

BBC Look East

BBC Look East visited MVC today to report on the increasing demand for support for children with special educational needs in schools. They found out about the facilities in The Cabin, talked to some of the pupils, and interviewed Mr Peter Allcock (Director of Cabins) and Mrs Anna Ghale (SENCO/Skillsbase Lead) about facilities for SEND pupils at MVC, and the growth in demand for such provision across the country.

Year 9 Enterprise Day

On Wednesday pupils in Year 9 took part in an Enterprise Day, which culminated in a ‘Dragons’ Den’ visit for the winners. Groups of pupils had to come up with a business idea to pitch to their class in front of guests from Shift Momentum, a St Neots-based entrepreneurial business consultancy. The top five then moved to the Community Centre where they pitched their ideas to all the entrepreneurs assembled by Enterprise Day organisers Form the Future, a Cambridge charity committed to equipping young people with the knowledge and skills they’ll need to move from education into a rewarding and successful career. The final, which was broadcast to all 120 Year 9 students, was won by a group called ‘Stitch Made Perfect’. They proposed taking ‘fast fashion’ destined for landfill and remaking and resusing them to create new items. Well done to the winners from Franklin 9, who were Samantha, Hattie, Isla and Maddie.

Inclusive Sports Week

This week has been providing pupils with special educational needs with the opportunity to take part in a range of inclusive activities. On Monday, 15 pupils had fun at the Clip ‘n Climb Centre in Cambridge. The session aimed to support SEND pupils in the climbing environment.  All pupils had a great time and really enjoyed challenging themselves to overcome their fears.

On Wednesday, 8 MVC pupils competed in the South Cambs Panathlon Challenge at Impington Village College. They took part in a range of activities including indoor curling, boccia, adapted tennis, adapted cricket, target throwing and bowling. Pupils worked well with one another and had a great time – finishing in 3rd place overall. Panathlon gives young people with disabilities and special educational needs the opportunity to take part in competitive sport.

The year 10 pupils have been working with Mrs Patel in their PE lessons to try new activities; they have done seated volleyball, boccia, athletics and lots more. The picture below shows them doing a warm-up session with star jumps, balances, crunches, toe-touches and running. After Christmas they will be doing a swimming unit where they will increase their water confidence and improve their swimming strokes.

Sports Leaders

On Tuesday evening our Y10 pupils started their Sports Leadership journey with Julia Scarboro from Cambridge School Sports Partnership. They were introduced to the skills of a good leader and performed a range of team building activities. They will now start to lead various local primary sports festivals and hopefully boost their college applications. Good luck everyone!

Physical Education

Our KS3 pupils had their first rugby fixtures on Thursday. We had three rugby matches for all our Y7, 8 and 9 boys’ teams and newly qualified sports leaders Thomas H. and Matthew P. kindly agreed to help out. Participation from all years was excellent and it was great to see so many of the Year 7 boys taking part in their first fixture. Mr Barlow said, “The boys have progressed well in lessons and enrichments since September but we have found fixtures hard to come by. We are delighted that St Ivo school were able to come and give us some games. This competitive environment was just what we needed in order to reinforce the learning that has taken place. We would love pupils to go on to join a local rugby club, as sport builds character and resilience”. You can find links to local sports clubs here.

Year 7 Rugby Team

Year 8 Rugby Team

Year 9 Rugby Team

Christmas Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Please see the poster below for this initiative from Cambridgeshire County Council.

Have a good weekend,

Simon Holmes

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