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Key Notes: 10 September 2021

10th September 2021

Welcome back!

This week we welcomed back our remaining year groups Year 8 – 11. They have made a very positive start to the new school year, settling well into their new lessons and schedule. Due to technical issues, not all Year 7 parents/carers received Key Notes last week. It is still available on our website with pictures of our Year 7 starters here. A letter from Kooth is being sent with this newsletter about online sessions to support parents/carers with the mental health of their young people.

Covid Testing

This week we have continued with the Covid testing assisted by our team of volunteers.  All year groups have now been tested twice.  Pupils have been given a supply of home testing kits to take home today so that they can continue the twice-weekly testing at home.

English, Media and Drama

Miss King and the English, Media and Drama department wish to congratulate the students for their positive start to the year. Expectations have been outlined clearly, with an emphasis on pupils demonstrating pride in their work. From Miss King’s observations of the classes she has visited this week, the attitude and behaviour of pupils has been outstanding.

Flu Vaccinations in school

The School Immunisations Team will be offering Flu Vaccinations to all pupils in October/November. The Flu Nasal Consent form will be sent home to all parents/carers next week to fill in and return to school. Find out more about school immunisations here.

Enrichment activities

Enrichment activities will begin on Monday 20th September.  Pupils will be told about the sessions during Form Time on Tuesday and the signup forms will be emailed home that evening.  The Autumn Enrichment Brochure and the signup link will also be available on the website from Tuesday.  Here are some pictures of enrichment activities from last term.

PE Department

Joe T, Louie T, Levi F and Alfie C from MVC are now members of the Royston Town football team. They were successful at a recent pre-season football tournament in Cambourne where they were undefeated against two other Royston teams, Cambourne and Swavesey. In a tense final against Cambourne they drew 0-0 then 5-4 on a penalty shoot-out! Let’s hope their season continues with this success. Pupils doing GCSE PE are reminded to log their participation in competitive matches.

MVC have entered Year 10 and 11 boys football teams into the English Schools Football Association Cup competitions and details of their fixtures are below.  It’s good to be back playing competitive sport again and good luck to all boys involved:

  • Tuesday 14th September U/15A 15:30 KO
  • Monday 27th September U/16 16:00 KO
  • Thursday 14thOctober U/15B 15:15 KO

There are lots of clubs and sports activities to get involved in locally.  See some of the flyers at the end of this newsletter or check out the local clubs guide on our website.

PE Equipment

All pupils taking part in Rugby and Hockey Lessons are strongly advised to have gum shields for both sports and shin pads for Hockey. Thank you.

Have a good weekend,     

Simon Holmes

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