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Key Notes: 08 July 2022

8th July 2022

Sports Day

At sports day on Monday, pupils competed in a range of sporting events including Ultimate Frisbee, Pupil Hunt, Rounders, Tug of War and Relay. Congratulations to the winning houses from the combined year group teams who were: Year 7/8: Darwin and Year 9/10: Franklin. Many thanks to everyone that helped to ensure that sports day ran smoothly.

The Student Support Centre ran an adapted sports day alongside the school's sports day. Pupils competed in adapted activities so all could participate including discus, javelin, shot-put, hurdles, bowling, table cricket and targets. The pupils even made their own medals! Everyone had a great time and there were some impressive scores. Overall Darwin came out in first place but they were all winners!

Next week

Year 9 MEP Intensive Learning and Year 10 Work Experience

12th July: Y8 MEP Trip to British Museum and Chinatown

GCSE Art Exhibition

The private viewing evening for the GCSE Art Exhibition too place at The Hub in Melbourn on Friday 1st July. The exhibition is designed to showcase the work of MVC art pupils, displaying examples of the year 11 final GCSE composition and the developmental work in the pupils’ sketchbooks. The private viewing was very well attended by pupils, their families, MVC art teachers Sarah Heeks and Sam Ward, and included Anthony Browne MP, Bridget Smith Leader of SCDC, Anna Bradnam, Chair of SCDC and Cllr Aidan Van de Weyer who were impressed by the outstanding artistic work on display. Music was provided by Ruby, a gifted young violinist and MVC pupil.

Mrs Heeks said "The incredible creative art produced by MVC art pupils shows how valuable art is to the young. In difficult times, art allows students to be creative, overcome problems, develop resilience, express their dreams and use their imagination. The class of 2022 should be very proud of how they have expressed their individuality and produced meaningful and impactful work. It is wonderful to be able to celebrate their work with an art exhibition this year.  I am truly proud of all of them."

The art exhibition will be at the Melbourn Hub until July 21st. The Hub is open from 9am -5pm, Monday to Saturday. Please take the opportunity to see the fantastic art produced by our Year 11s.

The virtual art exhibition can be viewed here:

Year 7 MEP Trip

MEP pupils in year 7 rounded off their intensive learning week with a trip to the British Museum and Chinatown. The theme of the trip was Heritage and History. They explored some Chinese artefacts at the museum and enjoyed and meal at a Chinese restaurant. Each year, the MEP pupils take part in a period of intensive language study, contributing to their 8 hours a week studying Mandarin. The intensive learning experience has revolutionised the way our pupils learn languages and given them the most amazing enrichment opportunities which have bought this language to life in many different contexts. It inspires and motivates students to learn Mandarin and Chinese culture.


Accessing mental health support for our children can be very difficult currently due to the significant demands on all services since the pandemic.  This places additional pressure on parents and carers trying to support our children with very limited resources, advice and guidance. 

We are very fortunate in Melbourn to have a great Community with many support groups we can access.  “It takes a Village” is a new group that recognises the needs of parents and carers to enable them to feel supported in what can feel like challenging times.  The group can help by supporting each other, as there are people who have been on a similar journey, have first-hand experience and have come out the other side and are willing to be there to give advice, help, and chat. The group is open to residents of Melbourn and surrounding villages.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact Steph Trayhum (07710 198299), Pilan Ramiah (07815 764606 or email Mrs Deadman at 

Royston Arts Festival - Creative Writing & Poetry Competitions

If you like poetry or creative writing, there are a couple of free-to-enter competitions for schoolchildren and adults who either live or go to school in Royston and the surrounding villages. See details below or visit the Arts Festival website for more information.

Physical Education

On Wednesday, several of our year 7 and 8 pupils travelled to St Peter's for a rounder’s fixtures with other schools’ as part of the Cam Academy Trust Cup. Year 7 started off strong by winning their opening game and continued by competing in the other two games showing some good teamwork. Year 8 progressively got better and better after each game and showed great team spirit. Both year groups finished 2nd overall in their groups. Well done to all pupils! 

Above are some of our Year 7 girls who enjoyed setting up and playing golf in their PE lesson on a very warm Friday morning.

Football Referee Course at MVC

MVC is pleased to be hosting a football referee qualification in the summer holiday through the Cambridgeshire Football Association and Melbourn Leisure Centre. This course will run on 11th and 12th of August from 9am until 3pm and is available to anyone aged 14 and over. You do not need to be good at playing football, just interested in the laws of the game. There is a small fee, however, some funding may be available, particularly to pupils registered with a local club. Once trained, refereeing can be a great way to earn some extra pocket money officiating evening and weekend games. If you would like to know more please register your interest here: or email the local referees' development officer Sam Anderson at  Hopefully we will see a local resident officiating in the Premier League one day!!

Science Club

What a successful year we have had in Science Club!  Even Covid couldn't dampen our spirits for great science activities!  Wednesday saw our last Club of the year, and pupils were challenged to build either the tallest tower or the strongest tower.  After a quick video on strong shapes in nature, namely triangles, pupils set to constructing their towers out of magazines. The picture shows James with his design (built by Dr Wilson!) that won the tallest tower. All pupils got chocolate as a reward! Science Club will return in September bigger and better.... so keep an eye out for information! 

Year 8 Bowling Trip

Head of Year 8, Mr Barlow, is pleased to have organised an end-of-year trip for his year group. Year 8 parents should have received an email and an option to pay for a bowling trip to Cambridge on ParentPay. Last year’s trip involved a short walk down the road to play crazy golf and this year we're pleased to offer our pupils the chance to go to Cambridge via hired coach and have fun with their friends in the last week of term. Don't forget to sign up for the trip as soon as possible!

Safer Schools Newsletter

July’s edition of Cambridgeshire Constabulary Safer Schools Newsletter is being sent with this newsletter. The subjects covered are:

  • The Legends Family Adventure – Internet safety activities for children
  • Road Safety Advice – Top tips on how to keep your family safe this summer
  • Antisocial Behaviour – What can I do as a parent/carer?
  • 999 BSL – New service to help the deaf community
  • Summer Water Safety Reminder – Top tips on how to keep your family safe

Way 2 Go

Cambridge County Council Road Safety Education Newsletter (Summer 2022) is being sent out with this edition of Key Notes. Topics covered include:

  • Modeshift STARS – sustainable school transport
  • Are you a law breaker?
  • How can you save?
  • Give scooting a go
  • Commitment and dedication – our school crossing patrols


We are currently advertising for a number of vacancies including Teaching Assistant positions.  For more information, please visit our website here.

Year 7 Art

Pupils in Year 7 are continuing to develop their lettering skills, designing their own name poster in chalk pastel showing brilliant colour fades.

Have a good weekend,

Simon Holmes



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