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Key Notes: 03 October 2022

3rd October 2022

Open Evening 2022

We were delighted to welcome so many people to our Open Evening last night. There was lots to see and do in all the different departments and presentations from Stephen Munday, Chief Executive of The Cam Academy Trust, Christopher Bennet, Head Teacher and Kelly Coghlan, our Transition Lead. The Prefects ran a cake sale and Caterlink had some sample meals for students to try. Thank you to all the MVC staff and students who helped make the evening such a success – we had lots of positive feedback.

Y11 Post 16 – Information Evening

On Wednesday we held our post-16 information evening. The event was well attended and provided an opportunity for parents/carers and students to hear more about the post-16 process and options available, and to meet staff from local college/sixth form providers.

Forthcoming events: Macmillan Coffee Morning on 7th October

On Friday 7th October, the Prefects will be running a cake sale to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. Donations of food items to sell on the day can be brought to the Common Room near Reception before school and pupils can bring in a small amount of money to purchase items at break-time.

School Photographer

The photo proof cards will be sent home this week.  The deadline to order photos online with free delivery back to your school is: Wednesday 12th October 2022. If you have any queries you can contact DSP Photography on 01242 691910 or email

Royston Arts Festival

Congratulations to Holly (9 Darwin) who has won the Royston Arts Festival Creative Writing Competition in the 11-14 category with her poem ‘My Cat’.  Congratulations also to Mrs Forrester, who works in reception and the library. She won first prize in the poetry competition (19+ category) with her poem ‘Chalk’.

Kate King, Head of English, said “I am delighted to see that half the entries in the under 18 category were from MVC students.  We promoted the competitions through our creative writing enrichment club and are very proud of them for entering!”  

This is not the only recent success in writing for Melbourn students; some year 8 students are currently waiting for their short stories to be published after being included in a Young Writers collection, due out in November!

My Cat – by Holly (Year 9)

In the shadows lurks,
A thin,
A long,
A swift,
An agile,
A green-eyed,
Bird eating,
A cry just for me,
Heard around the house,
Cutting through the silence,
Up on the bed,
Whack on the ear,
Stroke my hair,
Shout in the face,
Pushed off the bed,
Up again,
This is only for me.
Though because,
This is,
My cat!

Chalk – by Hilary Forrester

White is the bed on which our landscape rests,
Formed from the shells that time preserved as chalk.
Aquifer store in which the rain collects,
Filling the springs that feed the river course.

Former of flint, for fire, axe and arrow,
Shelter the follower, in hollowed cave,
Feeder of fields, for plough, hoe and harrow,
Went the Knights Templars to, fight the Crusades.

Latitude locus, Meridian Line,
Ancient the highway from Salisbury Plain.
Crossed by the marker, of Greenwich mean time,
Footprints of Romans and royalty remain.

Gentle the hills topped with heathland and trees,
Abundant with wildlife, calling it home.
The traveller here is easily pleased,
To pause for a while, near Roysia’s stone.

What mark is left, on your pale crust, as the
Surface inhabitants, dance in the light.
Cradled by chalk, we play our part, in the
Foraminiferous, circle of life.

You can read all the Royston Arts Festival competition entries here.


Year 9 have been looking at cells and this week were making slides of plant cells to look at under the microscope. They made a slide of onion cells and then some students managed to take photographs of the slides through the microscope using their iPads.

CCC Transport Strategy Consultation

The Transport Strategy team at Cambridgeshire County Council has developed three draft transport strategies that will set the County Council’s transport policy approach for the districts of Fenland and Huntingdonshire, and for active travel across the whole county. They are seeking comments on the following strategies.

-              Draft Fenland Transport Strategy

-              Draft Huntingdonshire Transport Strategy

-              Draft Cambridgeshire’s Active Travel Strategy

The public consultation survey is now live and can be accessed on their consultation website here Please select which strategy you would like to find out more about, read the draft strategy and provide your views by completing the online survey. The survey will close on Monday 7th November 2022.

Relief School Crossing Patrol

We have a vacancy for a relief school crossing patrol. £9.60 per hour 8:00-8:45am and 3:00-3:45pm. For more information please contact Sosan Javaid,

Catering staff vacancies at MVC


Keep a look-out for lots of careers fairs and events happening locally at this time of year. Here are a few that you and your child may be interested in:

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