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Key Notes: 01 October 2021

1st October 2021

Power On

As most of you are aware we, along with around 1,000 homes in the local area, suffered a lengthy power cut this morning. Teachers adapted lessons and the pupils coped admirably. I even got the chance to ring the old school handbell between lessons. Luckily the power came back on mid-morning and the canteen staff did a fantastic job ensuring lunches were ready in time.

Y11 Post 16 – Information Evening

On Wednesday this week, about 100 of our Year 11 pupils attended a talk and had a chance to meet with post 16 provider staff to explore their options. It was fantastic to see so many Y11 pupils and parents engage so well with this. Pupils are currently writing their personal statements, and some have already visited colleges and sixth forms. Those interested in getting a job as an apprentice will need to keep their eyes peeled for opportunities from January. All information (including a recorded version of the talk from the evening) regarding post 16 can be found on the school website here.  


Year 7 are looking at different aspects of book covers and how designs attract readers. After work on genre, they designed their own covers for books they would like to read. The results look fantastic.

Enrichment Activities

It is great to see the enrichment clubs up and running again.  Here are some pictures of pupils enjoying lots of different activities including: Multi-Sports, Sewing and Craft Club, Show Band, Science Club, Electronics and Creative Writing.

The Autumn Enrichment programme signup form is available from this link here.

Physical Education

The Year 11 boys football team progressed in the English Schools Cup (ESFA) by convincingly beating local school King James Academy 5-0. Many of the pupils knew each other from their weekend football and we managed to claim the bragging rights with an impressive performance. Joe T opened the scoring after around half an hour then shortly in to the second half the flood gates opened with goals from Henry S, Louie T and Harun A. We will host The Stephen Perse Foundation School in the next round who also won easily in their first-round match against a school from Bedford.

It’s back to Year 10 action on Monday as they host Haileybury Turnford in their next round of the ESFA cup. Mr Barlow is under no illusions it will be tougher than their first-round victory over the Joyce Franklin Academy from Newport. “I’m well aware of Turnford from my school days, the Cheshunt area can often have some players who represent top professional clubs such as Tottenham Hotspur, nevertheless we are hopeful of another good team performance and the most important thing is we are starting to put MVC on the map with two ESFA victories already”.

Pupil Wellbeing: Useful APPS to help you support your own Mental Health

  • Headspace: Free Mindfulness app - Learn how to unwind your mind – you can also watch on Netflix.
  • Calm: Great app for good sleep and meditation.
  • CalmHarm: Developed for teenagers to help resist the urge to self-harm.
  • Dare: Anxiety & Panic Relief: Dare to face your fears, anxiety, panic, worry or sleep problems – this app supports to help you face your anxiety rather than avoiding it and making it worse.
  • Anxiety Relief: This app has good tools and techniques to help soothe your Anxiety.
  • What’s Up: Mental Health app. Information on Anger, Self-esteem. Anxiety, Depression, Stress. Uses a CBT approach gives help now coping strategies, information and a diary log.

EMERGENCY : If immediate danger call 999.

Useful websites:

  • Kooth - An online mental wellbeing community offering free, safe and anonymous support
  • Keep Your Head - brings together reliable information on mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults across Cambridgeshire & Peterborough
  • Chat Health - A confidential text messaging service for young people aged 11-19 the service is available Monday to Friday between: 9.30am to 4.00pm. Simply text 07480 635 443 to start a conversation.

School Trips Year 8, 9 and 10

Here are some pictures from the school trips that were finally able to take place on Friday last week. Year 8 enjoyed a round of crazy golf at the Jurassic World-themed course, at the Kingsway Golf Centre. Year 9 were at Shepreth Wildlife Park looking at the animals and learning about wildlife conservation. Year 10 pupils enjoyed two hours’ exclusive use of Gravity Trampoline Park, Stevenage.

Have a good weekend.

Simon Holmes

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