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Help with our 60th Birthday

23rd May 2019

Melbourn Village College celebrates its 60th anniversary this autumn – and we need your help.
Did you attend Melbourn Village College? If so, do you have anything you made while you were there. We would love to hear the story of your ‘treasures’ be it from a woodwork, needlework or DT class or adult education or evening classes. Please do send us a picture too for the display we are planning.
We also really want to hear from anybody who started at MVC on the day it opened. There were approximately 250 of you in September 1959 and although we are in touch with a few who attended the 50th anniversary celebrations, we’d love to hear from more of you.
Also please let us know if you would be interested in attending a reunion/birthday party on the afternoon of September 27th.
We have set up a dedicated email address for anything related to the last 60 years of MVC.
Please do contact Vanessa Mann on

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