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Forging a New Partnership

25th January 2018

A trio of staff are in China this week working on an exciting new partnership project for the South Cambs secondary schools in The Cam Academy Trust, which includes Melbourn Village College.

Trust CEO Stephen Munday, Director of International Education Rachel Hawkes plus Peter Law, the Head of School at Comberton, are on a week-long fact-finding mission to Beijing paid for by the Chinese Government who are keen to build links between their schools and ones in Britain.

After a visit to the Temple of Heaven, they were helped to prepare Mandarin translations for their presentations needed later in the week.

Today they visited prospective partners BIT High School where they had a lengthy formal series of presentations from both groups followed by a formal exchanging of gifts and signing a certificate of friendship and co-operation.

After an amazing lunch banquet – the food just kept arriving including an amazing Chrysanthemum fish dish in the shape of a flower – they toured the school and talked about future exchange plans.

Tomorrow they are due to visit a teacher training college to discuss possible collaboration and sharing of good practice.

Mr Law said: “It was all highly positive with a very strong and exciting link already moving ahead with great potential.”

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