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Class of 2016 Presentation Evening

15th November 2016

Melbourn’s class of 2016 were reunited for one last time to celebrate their achievements.

Students received their exam certificates and were awarded prizes for performance in individual subjects.

Three special ‘overall’ prizes were also awarded:

  • Governors’ award for achievement - Amy Selby
  • Governors’ award for progress - Josie Willers & Finn McCormick
  • MindEd award (for excellence and contribution to school life) - Alderney Smith

The evening included a chance to catch up with teachers and classmates who have moved on to different post-16 providers.

In his address to the year Principal Simon Holmes reiterated the importance of the all-round education provided by the college and encouraged the year group to ‘be the pebble that creates ripples’ and to get involved in ‘changing the world’.

A copy of the programme with all the award winners is available here.

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