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Bikeability Success

9th February 2018

Ten students took part in the Bikeability course today and all achieved Level 3.  The Level 3 course is for students who can ride a bike and want to make on-road trips.

Level 3 Bikeability aims to develop competent cycling skills on busier, more complex roads. The course emphasises the importance of a positive attitudes towards sharing the road with other traffic. Building an understanding of how to interact effectively with other road users in various situations is essential. Trainees are encouraged to make informed independent decisions under the guidance of the instructor.

The Bikeability award scheme is the National Standard for cycling. The course is designed to equip cyclists with the knowledge, skill, and on-road experience to make a journey safely and confidently by bike on local roads. The main aim is to encourage more cycling.

Well done to all who participated.

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