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Activities Week

17th July 2017

Students from Melbourn Village College are spending their final week of term spread far and wide across not only this country but abroad as well.

A group of intrepid Year 10 linguists have chosen to undertake their work experience placements in northern Spain and are working in a range of industries in Comillas.

Meanwhile other Year 10 students are working in a range of settings closer to home while the school’s younger students all participate in Activities Week.

Students in Years 7, 8 and 9 have chosen a themed week of activities from a booklet of options, including Adventure Week, which involves sporting activities at Grafham Water, Milton Keynes Snozone, Airspace and Twinwoods Adventure Centre.

Other choices include Dance Week, with a Lion King workshop in London as well as seeing the production, Nature Watch, Cycling Week with the chance to ride at the Olympic Velodrome, Craft Week, Discovery Week, Animals in Art and ‘Combo’ options including a range of sports as well as picnics and a Mary Berry Bake-Off. #CambsSchools

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